Assessment Committee 20 October 2015. 2012 Self Evaluation HAPS is the result of a process that began in 2012, the last Accreditation self- evaluation.


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Presentation transcript:

Assessment Committee 20 October 2015

2012 Self Evaluation HAPS is the result of a process that began in 2012, the last Accreditation self- evaluation. Several results that are significant to the current cycle: Address recommendation on program review and planning Clarity on SLO assessment expectations Notice of new standards with further data and assessment reporting requirements

Accreditation Standard 1 Standard 1: The institution demonstrates strong commitment to a mission that emphasizes student learning and student achievement. Using analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, the institution continuously and systematically evaluates, plans, implements, and improves the quality of its educational programs and services. The institution demonstrates integrity in all policies, actions, and communication. The administration, faculty, staff, and governing board members act honestly, ethically, and fairly in the performance of their duties.

Use of 2012 Self-Evaluation Results As a result, the college engaged in a focused effort to integrate these accreditation requirements with emerging federal and state legislative requirements, including performance reporting expectations as evidenced by: Federal requirements for institution-set standards for student achievement and workforce outcomes State requirements for performance reporting (ARCC, Student Success Scorecard) State requirements for funding based on services for new students (SSSP) State requirements for Student Equity reporting (Equity Plan)

The Student Success Scorecard – CCCCO Office:

The Student Success Scorecard 2015 results have been published The State’s way of evaluating achievement of our mission Aligns with CCCCO, LACCD, Harbor, ATD, SSSP, Equity plans and measures Accreditation’s way of evaluating the achievement of our mission (Standard 1.B): Using analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, the institution continuously and systematically evaluates, plans, implements, and improves the quality of its educational programs and services. Revision of the college planning process (planning document) Identify specific measurements to assess the achievement of the SEMP Measures provide alignment with federal and state requirements SEMP provides the framework for program review, unit planning and resource allocation

Q2: How does the Scorecard help Harbor… …continuously and systematically evaluates, plans, implements, and improves the quality of its educational programs and services.

Spring 2014 Evaluation The program review and planning cycle of was evaluated and the results were delivered to the college in Spring The college began implementing the recommendations by: Reviewing the college mission and as a result revising the mission to include a measurement component (Fall 2014-Spring 2015) Creating a new college strategic educational master plan (SEMP) Board approved Spring 2015

The New College Mission Los Angeles Harbor College promotes access & student success through associate and transfer degrees, certificates, economic & workforce development, & basic skills instruction. Our educational programs & support services meet the needs of diverse communities as measured by campus institutional learning outcomes.

Why Revise the Mission? To review and re-establish college priorities To create a framework for assessing our priorities To align with the LACCD Mission and Strategic Plan

Q1: Does the new mission meet the Standard? The institution demonstrates strong commitment to a mission that emphasizes student learning and student achievement. OLD: Los Angeles Harbor College fosters learning through comprehensive programs that meet the educational needs of the community as measured by student success, personal and institutional accountability, and integrity NEW: Los Angeles Harbor College promotes access & student success through associate and transfer degrees, certificates, economic & workforce development, & basic skills instruction. Our educational programs & support services meet the needs of diverse communities as measured by campus institutional learning outcomes.

Planning Task Group, 2015 The outcomes of this Task Group were: Revision of the college planning process (planning document) Measures provide alignment with federal and state requirements Identify specific measurements to assess the achievement of the SEMP SEMP provides the framework for program review, unit planning and resource allocation

Revised Planning Process Assessment-based Planning Model Outcomes Assessment Process Program Outcome: SLO/SAO or SEMP Measure Collect Data: Student Achievement, Learning Outcomes, External Scans Outcomes Assessment/ Analysis: SLO/SAO Evaluation/ Program Review Use Results: Improvement Action/ Resource Allocation

SEMP & Requirements Alignment College Mission Goal 1. Access and Preparation for Success AtD (AA/SS) Community Services (AS) Enroll Mgmt (AA/AS) Equity (AA) SSSP (SS) Student Success Scorecard Goal 2. Teaching and Learning for Success Accreditation Standards AtD (AA/SS) Basic Skills (AA) Enroll Mgmt (AA/AS) Equity (AA) IEPI SSSP (SS) Student Success Scorecard Goal 3. Organizational Effectiveness Accreditation Standards District Strategic Plan Enroll Mgmt (AA/AS) Facilities (AS) Human Resources (AS) IEPI Technology (TAC) Goal 4. Resources and Collaboration Accreditation Standards Enroll Mgmt (AA/AS) Foundation (AA) Technology (TAC)

Revised SEMP & Objectives College Mission Goal 1: Access and Preparation for Success Equitable access to education Matriculation completion Complete Math and English in first year Goal 2: Teaching and Learning for Success Active learning and student engagement Milestone completion Equity in Outcomes Goal 3: Organizational Effectiveness Improve processes and services Improve communications and governance College Infrastructure Employee development Goal 4: Resources Balanced budget Diversify resources Foundation development Business and community support

Revised SEMP Measures Goal 1. Access and Preparation for Success Basic skills first- year enrollment * Completion-based class schedules Equitable Enrollment * Orientation, Assessment and Educational Plan completion rate * Fall to Spring Persistence * Goal 2. Teaching and Learning for Success Achievement gaps * Basic skills completion* Course completion rates ** Gainful Employment** Graduation data ** Licensure Passage rates** Number of transfers * On-time Completion * Program (degree)/certificat e completion ** SLO, PLO, ILO achievement ** Year-to-year persistence * Goal 3. Organization al Effectiveness Accreditation status * Fiscal viability and compliance with state and federal guidelines (IEPI measures)* Institutional plan progress ** Program review, Planning and Assessment participation ** Process review and evaluation ** Resource allocation ** Goal 4. Resources and Collaboration BUDGET GOALS?? Efficiency measures (class size average, fill rate, FTES/FTEF) Number and type of revenue sources and amount generated Funds raised (annual and cumulative) Foundation endowment Amount of scholarships awarded Number and type of community/busin ess partnerships

HAPS Workgroup A workgroup (OIE staff, SLO coordinator, Academic Dean) met during Summer 2015 to develop an integrated slo assessment, program review, planning and resource allocation system using the SEMP framework Developed Harbor’s Assessment-based Planning System Documented in SLO Assessment Handbook (draft) and Program Review and Planning Manual (in process) Designed to address 2012 Recommendations and new Accreditation Standards

SEMP & ISLO Alignment Outcomes Assessment → Improvement Action Program Review / Program and Service Outcomes → Unit Plans Annual Cluster Plan → Cluster Priorities District/ Annual College Plan → CPC Annual College Priorities Institution-level MissionSEMP/GoalsObjectiveMeasure Improvement Action ISLOsPLOsSLO/SAO Improvement Action