California Collaborative Academic Advising Conference October 2015 Presenters: Carla Stoner-Brito, Rachel Moring-Garcia and Tasha Hutchings
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Topics Covered Today: ● Introductions ● Clovis Community College Information ● Our students ● Transfer Data ● How we can partner with your universities to serve the needs of transfer students
Clovis Community College *In the heart of the Central Valley *Adjacent to the City of Fresno *Student population: 6,321 (Population of Clovis: 104,000) *65 Full-time faculty and 185 part- time faculty *One of three colleges in the State Center Community College District (Reedley College, Fresno City College) ccc
EthnicityFall 13Spring 14Fall 14Spring 15 African American/Non- Hispanic 4% American Indian/Alaskan 1%2% Asian/Pacific Islander 13% 12%14% Hispanic34%35%37% Race/Ethnicity Unknown 2% 1%2% White/Non- Hispanic 45%44% 43% CCC Student Demographics We are a designated Hispanic Serving Institution
GenderFall 13Spring 14Fall 14Spring 15 Female54% 53% Male44%45% Unreported2%1% Student Demographics Unit LoadFall 13Spring 14Fall 14Spring 15 Full time48%45%46%44% Part time52%55%54%56%
* Please see handout Transfer Data
Honors (Leon S. Peters) DSPS TRIO Veterans FYE Career Services Special Programs
“Registration to Go” (RTG) with local high schools CCAP High School Enrichment CalWorks/CARE/EOPS Two Year Pathway to Business and Psychology Transfer Agreement with CHSU (Pharmacy) Special Programs
SEP CAMPAIGN… Reaching Out to Our Students Counseling outreach at student activities events Counselor to class presentations Strong collaboration with instructional faculty Student government presentations “SEP Saturday” and SEP evening events s to all students without SEP’s Flyers posted around campus
CCC Currently Enrolled Students Attending Fall 2015 Semester Completed SEP on File % NO SEP on File % CCC Total Enrollment (w/ at least 1 unit at CCC/HC as of 10/1/15) % SEP DATA
Wish ListNumber of Responses Meet with a university representative at our community college 95 Participate in a webinar with the university representative 24 Tour the university (if a field trip was offered)106 Participate in a webinar specific to the topic of financial aid and scholarships 55 Other comments from students: Offer a “visiting professor” program Offer virtual tours of the campus and dorms Former transfer student presentations Presentations “Expectations for transfer students” Student Voices Transfer Student Wish List
How can the community college and the four year universities collaborate to better serve the needs of transfer students? Group Discussion