Info Day on New Calls and Partner Café Brussels, 13 September 2011 How to apply: Legal Framework - Beneficiaries - Application and Selection Procedure.


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Presentation transcript:

Info Day on New Calls and Partner Café Brussels, 13 September 2011 How to apply: Legal Framework - Beneficiaries - Application and Selection Procedure - How to ensure your proposal is eligible?

Legal Framework EC Regulations Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 Commission Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006 Community rules Community rules for competition, protection of the environment, equal opportunities between men and women, public procurement National rules National rules applicable to the Lead/Project Partners Programme rules Operational Programme Document and Programme Manual Project Specifications Agreement between the Member/Partner States-MA

Applicants Eligible for Funding Geographical references The applicants can either come from EU Member States and Partner States of the ESPON 2013 Programme – Member States: Countries of the EU 27 – Partner States: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland

Applicants eligible for funding must be – Either public bodies – or public equivalent bodies, as defined by Directive 2004/18 (EC), Article 1 – or private bodies The solvency of private bodies is to be confirmed by the Member and Partner States. List of country specific documents to be provided by private partners can be found on and in the Application Applicants Eligible for Funding – Projects Priorities 1-3

Application Procedure – Projects Priorities 1-3 MC decision on projects’ specifications Pre-announcement (30 June 2011) Launch of the call for proposal (24 August 2011) 2 months call is opened 3 months evaluations MC decision on approved projects Project Implementation Signature of subsidy contract Deadline for submissions (20 October 2011)

Priority 2 Targeted Analyses: A two-step procedure STEP 1 Call for Expressions of Interest Pre-announcement (30 November 2010) Launch of the call EoI (24 January 2011) 2 months EoI approved 3 month evaluation Joint elaboration of project specification call open Signature of Stakeholder Cooperation Agreement STEP 2 Call for Proposals Launch of the call for proposal 2 months 3 month evaluation call open Selection of the TPG Implementation of Targeted Analyses Deadline for submission (20 March 2011)

Selection Procedure Projects Priorities 1-3 (1) Eligibility check according to 6 criteria: 1.Application has been submitted in due time in original and electronic versions; 2.Application is complete and includes the requested administrative forms, supporting documents as well as an anonymous project proposal, all properly filled in according to the detailed instructions provided in Part A and Part B of the Application Form; 3.The content of the proposal relates to the topic(s) set out in the call; 4.The partnership involves at least the minimum number of participants given in the specific call; 5.All partners are eligible (including that solvency of private partners involved is confirmed by the respective Member/Partner States); 6.The budget limits have been respected. Correctable Omissions Missing supporting documents in paper version as requested in the call; Missing signature and/or missing stamp on a document; Missing supporting documents in electronic version as requested in the call; Correction of discrepancies in the electronic version of the proposal submitted compared to the paper version sent to the MA by post, which is considered the valid application in legal terms.

Selection Procedure Projects Priorities 1-3 (2) Evaluation The evaluation starts with Part B of the Application Form in order to avoid any bias Three blocks of criteria: content related, management related, partnership related Each block has a total number of points No weighting will be applied Each criterion will be scored individually (scores 0-10) Each criterion shall be scored at least 6 – Sufficient (knock-out criterion) In case of equal scoring, the MC will consider additional criteria: Reasonable geographical distribution Reasonable involvement of partners having entered the EU after 1 January 2004 Notification The decision of the MC will be notified to all Lead Applicants

Decision Making – Projects Priorities 1-3 The MC will approve the best eligible proposal(s) confirming the ranking of the content related evaluation (only one proposal will be approved for each of the theme). This decision will be notified to all Lead Applicants soon after the MC decision All the Lead Partners of the approved projects will receive a letter from the MA(CU) stating the decision of the MC as well as the total ERDF, EU Member States’ and eventually Partner States’ national funds approved. The MC decision may include certain conditions, recommendations and/or suggestions for improvements. In this case, the process of contracting, managed by the CU, will include a necessary revision/amendment of the project proposal. The result of this procedure will be the basis for concluding a Subsidy Contract.

How to Apply ? Using a standard Application Form Part A: Administrative, Financial and Management related information (protected Excel file) + 2 charts PART B: Content related information, (Word file) Annexes – solvency documents (in case of involvement of private partners) Application must Be completed in English Be completed by using the provided files only Be submitted any time during the time when the call is open Be submitted electronically via AND via post (one original signed and stamped and one copy) Deadline for submission – 20 October 2011

Application Form (1) Application Form: PART A Partnership information and financial overview Financial information on specific equipment and external expertise Budget breakdown per work package and per budget lines Payment forecast Overview of working hours Management structure Partnership experience Chart describing interlinkages in the management structure (separate document) Chart describing the audit trail

Application Form (2) Application Form: PART B Outline of the concept for addressing the research need and description of the objectives of the proposed work Detailed breakdown of the work package activities Description of the scientific approach proposed Description of the dissemination activities foreseen

Application Form - PART A - Protected excel file - Filling in instructions - Macros - Interlinked sheets - Color codes - Drop down lists - Cut/Paste function to be avoided - Tick boxes - Character limits - Error messages

Error Messages -The “Cover Sheet” and some of the other sheets include error messages - In case a cell is not completed, or incorrectly completed an error message appears - All error messages have to be cleared before submission

Instruction Sheet -Please read the instruction sheet before filling in the form

Cover Sheet - Select your priority first - By selecting a priority the sheets are automatically adjusted - Select a theme from the drop down list - Complete the Acronym and the Title cells. They will be automatically shown in the following sheets Color code helps you to fill in the cells correctly.

Financial Overview Sheet (1) - Please consult with the documents of the Application Pack for the timing of the project - You can add as many partners as you need. Please consider a sound and efficient management -Please carefully select the legal status from the drop down menu -In case of private partners, consult with the Application Pack for necessary solvency documents

Financial Overview Sheet (2) -Indicate the budget foreseen for the Lead/Project Partners -Budget is to be prepared on the basis of the activities needed to carry out project activities -The indicated budget will appear automatically in the following sheets

Breakdown Equipment Sheet - Please include here the equipment(s) per partner that are necessary for the project implementation - For selecting a partner please use the drop down menu - The total equipment costs will be shown in the following sheets

Breakdown External Expertise Sheet - Please include here the external expertise per partner foreseen for the project implementation - For selecting a partner please use the drop down menu - The total external expertise costs will be shown in the following sheets

Breakdown Budget Line and WP Sheet -Please break down the costs per budget line and per workpackage - Staff costs have to be based on the number of working hours indicated in sheet 2 “Working Hours”

Payment Forecast Sheet -Please plan the payment forecast of the project according to the recommended duration of the project -Each payment claim covers a six-month period - Please indicate the payment forecast of the partners coming from CH, NO, IS and LI separately in table B

Overview of Working Hours Sheet -Please include here an overview of the working hours foreseen by the Lead and Project Partners - Please make the calculation in working hours. No other unit will be accepted

Management Structures Sheet (1) -Each project has to appoint a Project Coordinator and a Financial Manager. Please include their details in this section - The appointment of a Project Manager and a Communication Manager is optional

Management Structures (2) - Application Form Part A has to be accompanied with two charts: 1. Chart or diagram to visualizing interlinkages in relation to the management process (as required in point 3.5/b) 2. Chart or diagram to illustrating the financial flow and the audit trail (as requested in point 3.6 b) - The two charts have to be sent as annexes to the Application Form Part A (both in original and in electronic versions)

Partnership Description Sheet - Please indicate here the experience of the Lead Partner in project management -The scientific competences and expertise of the Lead and Project Partners should be introduced here.

Consistency Sheet -Please eliminate error messages by selecting one of the tick boxes. -Please complete the sections on EU horizontal policies

LP-Certification Signature Sheet -Please tick all tick boxes to eliminate error messages - This sheet of the Application Form has to be signed and stamped by the representative of the Lead Partner.

Checklist for Submission Sheet -This checklist is to be completed before the submission of the application in order to ensure that all requirements listed below are fulfilled. -Please tick all boxes in order to eliminate error messages.

Application Form - Part B - Separate Word Document - Has to be clearly “anonymous”. - Must not include any reference or abbreviations to names of the project partner institutions nor to the staff members or experts In case any of the participating partners/experts/staff members can be identified, the application will be considered ineligible. -Each of the four chapter can be described within the maximum number of pages indicated. Each chapter will only be considered up to the allowed maximum number of pages.

Before Submission Please make sure that: - Application Form Part A is completed entirely - “Cover sheet” and all other sheets are cleared from error messages - The character limits are not exceeded - Correct information is selected from the drop down lists - Application Form is signed and stamped by the representative of the Lead Partner - Charts 3.5/b and 3.6/b are attached - In case private partners are involved, the relevant solvency documents are attached - Application Form Part B is completed - Application Form Part B is clearly anonymous - Page limits are respected Please verify that all points of the Submission Checklist are fulfilled! Please ensure to eliminate all error messages. Application Forms including error message are not eligible

Submission (1) The application has to be submitted in both paper and electronic version by 20 October 2011 Paper version -Application Form Part A (signed and stamped in original) -Chart on management structure (as requested in point 3.5/b) -Chart on financial flow (as requested in point 3.6/b) -Application Form Part B -Solvency related documents (if private partners are involved) Please send TWO PAPER VERSIONS of the application: one ORIGINAL and one COPY by mail/courier to the following address: ESPON Coordination Unit CRP HT – BP 144 L-4221 Esch sur Alzette Luxembourg The date of sending will be checked through the postal stamp on the envelope. Please ensure that sending date can be justified.

Submission (2) Electronic version -Application Form Part A (excel version) -Chart on management structure (as requested in point 3.5/b) -Chart on financial flow (as requested in point 3.6/b) -Application Form Part B -Solvency related documents (if private partners are involved) Please send the electronic version of the application to: An automatic reply will be sent in order to confirm the receipt of your application. Please carefully keep this message. Deadline for submission of applications: 20 October 2011

Further Questions For questions regarding procedures please send an to Thank you for your attention.