STATUS OF GDML SUPPORT IN ROOT A.Gheata SFT group meeting, June 2, 2014
WHAT IS GDML? Geometry Description Markup Language Application-independent geometry description format based on XML GEANT4 geometry persistent format Evolved in parallel with G4 geometry Latest release: GDML_3_1_0 from December 2013 Initially developed by several people (mainly R. Chytracek and W. Pokorsky), now maintained by Witold XML schema + bindings with GEANT4 and ROOT G4 binding integrated in the toolkit since version 9.2 Built optionally: XERCESROOT variable pointing to XercesC parser library, G4LIB_BUILD_GDML=1 ROOT binding integrated in $ROOTSYS/geom/gdml Automatic TGeoManager::Export(“.gdml”), but requires configuring with: --enable-gdml
SUPPORT IN ROOT GDML as exchange format between GEANT4 and ROOT geometries Geometries are alike, the common denominator schema to be supported GDML parser (C++) + writer (Python script) Ben Lloyd + Witold, end 2006 TGDMLWrite C++ class re-written Anton Pytel, Nov Including several fixes and improvements Other contributors D. Kruse, A.Gheata – ellipsoid support A. Gheata – support for isotopes Several people cotributed with fixes
MISSING FEATURES Usage of constants and variables and keywords ignored not understood Usage of loops, used to make geometry definition readable and less tedious Usage of xml nodes across different files (ENTITY statement) E.g. materials definition or different detectors in separate file Some of the geometry solids or features which are not supported by ROOT Would require the development of the ROOT correspondents User requests Long-standing ROOT-3347: GDML - constants, multiple files, fraction, unexpected end of file & ENTITY Recent requests on roottalk
OPEN TO DISCUSSION Approach To fix: start from existing G4GDMLParser and introduce support for existing GDML schema in TGDMLParse (where possible) To continue: synchronize adoption of new developments in ROOT Coordination between ROOT and GEANT4 projects Timeline This is rather urgent since it blocks several people in using ROOT geometry features (graphics, checker, event display, …) when starting from a more advanced GDML description. 1-2 months ? Resources I can contribute only partially due to priorities in other projects Summer student (rather late now), part of the work of a technical student?