Revision de Français To Help you revise for your French test By Billy Mittell-Simpson 8DWJG
Tu joue d’un instrument de musique? This means do you play a musical instrument You reply back saying je joue de la for a feminine instrument or je joue du for a masculine instrument. But if you don’t play an instrument you say je ne joue pas d’un instrument which means you don’t play an instrument.
Je Joue…… If you do play an instrument you say je joue du for masculine and je joue de la for feminine. Here is an example of saying the answers with masculine and feminine word Tu joues d’un instrument de musique? Oui, je joue du piano As you can see piano is a masculine word because it says du not de la. Tu joues d’un instrument de musique? Oui, je joue de la batterie. Batterie is drums in French and is feminine that is why is has de la in the sentence not masculine.
Instrument de musique du piano- The piano du violon- The violin du clavier- The keyboard de la guitare- The guitar de la batterie- The drums de la flûte à bec- The recorder
Les passe temps This part of the unit is about what do you do in your spare times. But because you are revising for your French test you will have to revise the masculine and feminine words. You also will be revise when you do them and who you go with.
Tu as un passe-temps? Now I will help you how to answer them I will give you 2 examples using the masculine and feminine. Here are the examples Tu as un passe-temps? Oui, je fais du vélo le lundi matin The reason why it has du is that vélo is a masculine word not a feminine word and they have put the day they go. Tu as un passe-temps? Oui, Je fais de la natation le mardi apré-midi The reason why it has de la is that natation is a feminine word that is why it does not have du in the sentence.
Le Lundi Matin avec mon frère I will show you how to put the sentence adding what day you go and who you go with. Tu as un passe-temps? Oui,Je fais du vélo tu fais ça quand (when do you do that) Le mercredi après-midi (On Wednesday afternoons Avec Mon frère (with my brother) Now you try it