War Cemetery
Although the Bridge on the River Kwai (Saohan Mae Nam Kwae) has become a symbol of the brutality of the Second World War, the War Cemeteries are evidence of its effect. Kanchanaburi has two cemeteries with the graves of captured prisoners of war, the Chung Kai Allied War Memorial and the Kanchanaburi Allied War Cemetery.
The Kanchanaburi War Cemetery is to be composed of American military, Holland, Australia, England and New Zealand, total of 8,732 were killed in War World II, 2 cemeteries i.e. The Kanchanaburi War Cemetery (Don Lak) had 6,982 graves and The Kanchanaburi War Cemetery (Chong Kai) had 1,750 graves.
Two tombs can be visited every day. Don Lak Cemetery is to be popular than Chong Kai Cemetery dut to nearer city, comfortable car-parking, peaceful atmosphere, beautiful but sorrawful. Many foreigners visit and pay respect ever day.
Don Lak Cemetery is far away 1 kilometre from the city an not for away from Cemetery (Chong Kai) which was the big camp of prisoners war, far away 2 kilometres car can be chosen to travel.
Prisoner of War Memorial Ceremony will be arranged annually, seperated by nationality as follow; Australian and New Zealand called Anzac Day Ceremony, in every April 25.Netherland called Armistist Day, in every May 5. November 11.
War Cemetery ( Chong Kai )
Chung Kai Allied War Memorial contains the graves of 1,740 Australian, New Zealand, British, French and Dutch Prisoners of War in neat, well-kept grounds. Each grave has a headstone with plaque stating names and epitaphs for the fallen.
This cemetery is the smaller of the two and receives fewer visitors. A visit here is none the less a moving experience, particularly for those with relatives who fought during the war.
Chong Kai War Cemetery In the heart of town, this is the final resting place of almost 7,000 POW's who lost 7,000 POW's who lost their lives during the construction of the "Death Railway". "Death Railway".Death RailwayDeath Railway
The Japanese Army, following their invasion of Thailand during World War II, brought British, Dutch, Australian and American prisoners to Thailand from Singapore.
Chong Kai War Cemetery The Chong Kai Cemetery, on the banks of the River Kwai, is River KwaiRiver Kwai smaller but more peaceful than the one in town and is beautifully kept with all kinds of flowers and plants.
Almost 2,000 POW's are buried here at Chong Kai. The cemetery can be reached by boats, available at the pier in front of the town gate and also from the Bridge.
War Cemetery (Don Rak)
There are two Allied War Cemeteries in Kanchanaburi that was built in the memory the allied prisoners and Asian workers during construction of the Bridge over the River Kwai and the Death Railway.
Kanchanaburi War Cemetery (Don Rak), located on Saeng Chu To Road (Highway 323) before reaching the provincial town. The immaculately maintained cemetery contains the remains of 6,982 Allied POWs who perished during the construction of the ‘Death Railway’. Its tranquility reminds the visitors of the war and its after-effects. It is open daily from 8.30 a.m.-6 p.m.
Workers on the Death Railway Total Deaths Asian Laborers200,000+/- 80,000 British POW's30,0006,540 Dutch POW's18,0002,830 Australian POW's13,0002,710 American POW's700+/- 356 Korean & Japanese soldiers 15,0001,000
Historical Information The notorious Burma-Siam railway, built by Commonwealth, Dutch and American prisoners of war, was a Japanese project driven by the need for improved communications to support the large Japanese army in Burma. During its construction, approximately 13,000 prisoners of war died and were buried along the railway.
An estimated 80,000 to 100,000 civilians also died in the course of the project, chiefly forced labour brought from Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, or conscripted in Siam (Thailand) and Burma (Myanmar). Two labour forces, one based in Siam and the other in Burma worked from opposite ends of the line towards the centre.
The Japanese aimed at completing the railway in 14 months and work began in October The line, 424 kilometres long, was completed by December The graves of those who died during the construction and maintenance of the Burma-Siam railway (except for the Americans,
whose remains were repatriated) were transferred from camp burial grounds and isolated sites along the railway into three cemeteries at Chungkai and Kanchanaburi in Thailand and Thanbyuzayat in Myanmar. KANCHANABURI WAR CEMETERY is only a short distance from the site of the former 'Kanburi',
the prisoner of war base camp through which most of the prisoners passed on their way to other camps. It was created by the Army Graves Service who transferred to it all graves along the southern section of railway, from Bangkok to Nieke.
Some 300 men who died (most from a Cholera epidemic in May/June 1943) at Nieke camp were cremated and their ashes now lie in two graves in the cemetery.
The names of these men are inscribed on panels in the shelter pavilion. There are now 5,084 Commonwealth casualties of the Second World War buried or commemorated in this cemetery. There are also 1,896 Dutch war graves. Within the entrance building to the cemetery will be found the KANCHANABURI MEMORIAL,
recording the names of 11 men of the army of undivided India buried in Muslim cemeteries in Thailand, where their graves could not be maintained. The cemetery was designed by Colin St Clair Oakes.
Location Information The town of Kanchanaburi is 129 kilometres North-West of Bangkok and is best reached by road, along the National Highway which runs north from the capital. There are bus and train services from Bangkok.
Kanchanaburi War Cemetery is situated adjacent to Saeng Chuto Road which is the main road through the town. When approaching from Bangkok, the cemetery is on the left side of the road, towards the far (northern) end of the town. A Commission signpost faces the cemetery on the opposite side of the road.
Visiting Information The cemetery and memorial registers are kept in the cemetery service area and must be requested from one of the gardeners. The location or design of this site, makes wheelchair access impossible. For further information regarding wheelchair access, please contact our Enquiries Section on telephone number
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Done by Kanticha Kanchanakul M.5/8 No.3 Kanchananukorh School