Mrs. Bannen
1.Fiction: stories that use characters, settings, and plots to convey events that aren’t real Stories that are made up- NOT true Examples: ________________________________ 2. Non Fiction: writing that uses real people, settings, and plots to convey actual events Stories that are true/real Examples: ________________________________
3.Folktale: an exaggerated story that has been shared over generations by word of mouth to convey a tradition. Legends/stories passed on by word of mouth that are now written down Examples: _________________________________________________ 4.Drama: skits, musicals, or plays that use language, song, or dance to convey messages. Stories told verbally or physically Examples: _________________________________________________ 5.Poetry: verse that uses sounds, rhythm, and word choice to convey ideas. Some stories that rhyme Are in certain formats Examples: ____________________________________
1. Fiction a. Fantasy: highly imaginative fiction that uses fantasy and unusual characters, setting and plot b. Historical Fiction: fiction that is set in the past c. Mystery: fiction that includes secrets of mysteries to be solved d. Science Fiction: fiction that deals with science or technology e. Realistic Fiction: believable fiction that is set in the PRESENT
2. Nonfiction: a. Essays: nonfiction writing about topics, including books, magazine articles, or newspapers b. Biography: nonfiction that is informational writing about REAL people c. Autobiography: nonfiction that is a biography of a person written by him/herself
3. Folktale: a.Tall tale: folktale that is usually humorous and usually assumed to be untrue b. Legend: folktale that is based on a real person or event c. Myth: folktale that is considered sacred that attempts to explain how things came to be d. Fable: Folktale that teaches a lesson or moral, often including animals as characters e. Fairy tale: folktale that usually includes magical elements 4. Drama: a. Skits b. Musicals c. Plays
5. Poetry a. Poems ~Haiku: syllable pattern ~ Free Verse: NO fixed pattern or rhyme Acrostic: takes a word and makes the first letter of each the first line of the poem ~ Lyric: expresses thoughts and feelings ~ Narrative: tells a story ~ Limerick: syllable pattern five lines long; short and funny ~ Concrete: shaped to look like the subject