Welcome to class! Please do the following: Pick up the CSU Packet on the front table Homework: Read the 4 articles (they begin after page 9!) and bullet point the main points made in each article. Come to class tomorrow ready to discuss and answer questions on these articles. Example: Sub point Overall main point of the article (what is the author trying to prove?)
CSU Module Day1: Activities 1 – 4 Day 2: Activity 5 Food Log, Socratic Seminar, reflect on Activity 1 Day 3: In class essay Fast Food
Activity 1: Anticipation Guide Copy these statements down on a piece of paper: 1) People who are overweight don’t eat healthy foods 2) Parents are responsible for teaching kids what they should or should not eat 3) Fast food companies are responsible for making people overweight 4) Teenagers will eat what they want so schools should serve foods they like 5) Schools have a responsibility to limit the foods they serve and only serve healthy options 6) What you eat isn’t important, it is how much you eat 7) People who are thin eat healthy foods and exercise 8) People don’t understand how bad fast food is for you 9)People know fast food is bad, but don’t care Day 1 - T
Activity 1: Anticipation Guide (Cont.) Read through each statement and write “Agree” or “Disagree” next to each one based on what you think about each one. Activity 2: Quick Write Write for 5 minutes answer the following statement: Who’s at fault for American’s growing weight problem? Day 1 - T
Activity 3: Discuss the 4 articles Weintraub: The battle against fast food begins in the home Provides statistics on childhood obesity Personal effort in the home as a parent Parents should be responsible for what their children eat Brownlee: It’s portion distortion that makes America fat People suing FF Portions have gotten larger Price of food is cheap Restaurants say that it’s the consumers responsibility Portions are larger and eventually Americans will realize that what they are eating will kill them Barboza: If You Pitch It, They Will Eat FF companies say obesity is due to lack of exercise and bad eating habits Schools carry items that use marketing to lure kids to eat it Children don’t recognize a TV show from an advertisement Marketing/advertising on food is enticing kids to eat it (and gain weight) Zinczenko: Don’t Blame the Eater Not many (healthy) places to choose from to eat when you are in a hurry The packaging on FF does not have the nutrition info as other food from the grocery store FF companies should include nutrition info for the consumer People need to be aware of what they are eating (nutrition info) which is not located on FF products currently Which one do you agree with the most? Day 1 - T
Activity 4:Logos/Ethos/Pathos Answer the questions on page 9 (Discuss Ideas: Logical/Ethical/Emotional Questions) Day 1 - T
Activity 4:Logos/Ethos/Pathos (Cont.) Answer the questions on page 9 (Discuss Ideas: Logical/Ethical/Emotional Questions) Day 1 - W
Activity 5: Eating Log Get out your eating log and your activity sheet that you started yesterday. Look over what you wrote down for the three days. Write for 5 minutes answer the following questions: Did you stay within the calories/fat grams that your specific body type should have? What did you learn (or become more aware of) while filling this food log out? Day 2 - W When you are finished: -Staple Activity 1 – 5 and your Food Log together and put in a pile on the table I will pass these back to you tomorrow so you can use them on the essay.
Socratic Seminar: The Setup Desks must be in a circle There must be a moderator (Mrs. Baker) There is a “conch” (ball) Only the person holding the “conch” may speak Everyone has out their packets, a piece of paper and a pencil. Use this to answer each question. Everyone must participate by writing down the questions/quotes and answering with your response (you will turn these in at the end of the period!)
Socratic Seminar: How it Works There will be a statement/question presented on the board. Each student must write down the statement/question and write a response to it. The moderator will hand the “conch” to a student who will then voice their opinion on the statement/question. Once the student finishes, the “conch” can be passed to another student who has their own input, a questions, calcification or counterargument. The moderator will decide if a discussion is getting off topic or if the discussion is becoming offensive and is allowed to change the topic. Do not look to your teacher for help. You are ALL in charge of this discussion.
Socratic Seminar Statements/Questions: 1) Who is to blame for obesity in America? Fast food companies? Americans?
The battle against fast food in the home - Weintraub 2) Is it the fault of parents who let their kids eat unhealthy foods? 3) Is the problem of obesity in school the lack of consistent physical education?
It’s portion distortion that makes America fat - Brownlee 4) Some people genuinely believe that McDonalds is a healthy place to eat at. What is your take on this? 5) Does cheap food induce people to eat more?
If You Pitch It, They Will Eat - Barboza 6) Does t he McDonald’s Corporation want to be everywhere that children are? 7) We don’t sell guns, alcohol or drugs to children. However, do we allow them to be exploited by food companies?
Don’t Blame the Eater - Zinczenko 8) Shouldn’t we know better than to eat two meals a day in fast-food restaurants? 9) Does providing the nutritional information on food help people make informed choices about what they are eating?
Reflection-Activity 1: Anticipation Guide Look back at Activity 1 Have any of your thoughts changed on them? 1) People who are overweight don’t eat healthy foods 2) Parents are responsible for teaching kids what they should or should not eat 3) Fast food companies are responsible for making people overweight 4) Teenagers will eat what they want so schools should serve foods they like 5) Schools have a responsibility to limit the foods they serve and only serve healthy options 6) What you eat isn’t important, it is how much you eat 7) People who are thin eat healthy foods and exercise 8) People don’t understand how bad fast food is for you 9)People know fast food is bad, but don’t care
Telling the difference between Great and Okay on the essay… Score of 5 or 6 – GREAT! Sophistication – Clear thesis Great vocabulary with imagery that shows/proves your meaning Telling: “He lived on a nice boat.” Showing: “His million dollar yacht cruised the Mediterranean.” Telling: “She’s a tramp because of what she wears.” Showing: “She’s a tramp because of her high heels, provocative winking and saying ‘Hey Baby’ to the passing cars on the corner of Melrose and 5 th in downtown LA.” In depth examples, and not just the most obvious ones More awareness of audience “There are some that argue that….” Quotations from the text – extremely important to get a 5 or 6! Awareness of audience: what they’re thinking, what might push their buttons (words that are possibly insulting) Some errors possible, but not ones that confuse your reader To be on the safe side, at least four paragraphs - but quality is really the most important quality Score of 3 or 4 – OKAY! Smooth read Clear thesis, but not sophisticated Most important is ideas – examples to support the ideas Examples are there, but are not directly referring to the text Don’t get tricky with grammar (Unless you can handle it) Some errors in how audience is addressed; more slang or informal language Usually shorter paragraphs Grammar and spelling isn’t distractingly bad, but obviously less capable
Fast Food CSU Module Essay Prompt Essay Topic: We have read four articles that take different stances as to who is responsible for the rising number of obese people in America. In your own opinion, who’s at fault for America’s growing weight problem: the fast food companies or the consumer? Explain. (Note: Focus on one or the other…do not say both are at fault! Pick a side and explain that side!) Note: You must construct an argument about an issue based on the readings we have covered. You must refer to at least two texts and quote appropriately as well as acknowledge the source of the words and ideas (i.e. “According to Brownlee…”) You may also use your own personal experience and observations to support your position. (i.e. food log, etc.) You may include a counterargument that acknowledges that others may not agree with your position. You may use the packet and questions to help you with writing this essay.