Welcome to the Partner Briefing Series: Preparing for FY07 Brooke Banbury, Engagement Manager, US Partner Services PURPOSE: The Partner Briefing Series will provide information on strategy and tactics to help you prepare to work with Microsoft in our FY07 that starts in July. Our goal is to provide relevant information and facilitate open communications that contribute to our joint success. Three Webcasts: April 26 th : FY07 Services Strategy with Partners April 26 th : FY07 Services Strategy with Partners Speakers: Bryan Rutberg, Director, Services Partners, Microsoft Services, and Brooke Banbury, Engagement Manager, US Partner Services May 16 th : FY07 Infrastructure Optimization Strategy with Partners Speakers: Lisa Downey, Senior Partner Development Manager, and Jeff Wettlaufer, Technical Lead, for Worldwide Infrastructure Optimization June 16th: In Search of Business Value: Ensuring a Return on Your Technology Investment Speaker: Bob McDowell, Vice President for Information Worker Business Value Author of Driving Digital and In Search of Business Value
Robert McDowell Vice President Information Worker Business Value Microsoft Corporation In Search of Business Value: Ensuring a Return on Your Technology Investment
Does it? IT doesn’t matter
Everything that is going to be invented has been invented.
To share information The core purpose of an Information Technology Infrastructure is
So where is the payoff?
How can we ensure Information Technology Investments will pay off?
Or there is a real risk the Investment will turn into a significant cost Technology Investments must serve as a catalyst for change
Purchasing cost reduced by 70%
It is a requirement Senior Management involvement is not only important
IT cost down Customer Satisfaction Up
There must be a defined governance policy to guide major technology decisions And disciplined enforcement of the process
The president of an operating division is the CIO
And it may be the biggest impediment to reaping a return on IT investments The culture of an organization is important to understand
The primary Information worker in the hospital is the doctor.
But not as important as holding someone accountable to deliver the pay-off Making the case for technology up front is important
People’s yardstick for value too often focus on measuring productivity in terms of their current processes rather than looking at technology as a catalyst for radically rethinking how you do things. Steve Hankins, CFO, Tyson Foods
“[Having an external auditing group] is both good and bad. When you have people devoted to finding stuff, they find stuff. And once they find it, then you’ve got to fix it.” – Stan Hupfeld, CEO, Integris Health
IT matters But only if management believes it does
“[IT’s] value proposition is not about the technology we bring; it’s about the ability to understand all the business.” – Rick Greenwood, GMAC
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