Sponsorship and Support Complete the sheet by filling in the missing words on sports sponsorship and support Answer the 3 mark statement question based on YOUR opinion ‘ The amount of money superstars get paid is unfair and outrageous’ What do you think? Explain your opinion (3 marks) ALWAYS SAY YOU’RE NOT SURE Give 2 reasons why you agree/disagree and why Give 1 reason for the opposite argument
Issues of Equality To investigate issues concerning equality in sport and leisure ch?v=Q8aXZt1GL2s ch?v=kP_UuFWsq7Q ch?v=tuAPPeRg3Nw
Gender Differences Inequality between the amount of money top female sports athletes earn compared to men 2008 – Tiger Woods earned almost as much in one year as THE TOP 10 SPORTSWOMEN COMBINED!!! In football, the gap between men and women is enormous and is reflected in a much smaller number of female players and spectators Most sports are now played by both men and women such as football and rugby Some exclusively male sports clubs have come under attack from women who wish to become equal members and to have equal rights.
Amateur Vs Professional Amateur athletes don’t get paid and participate in their own free time. They can still take their sport seriously and attempt to become highly skilled e.g. British Olympic Rowing Team Youth teams and many adult teams take part for fun, social reasons, to improve a skill or fitness – not money Often people turn professional when they become skilled at a sport and wish to make it their career.
Paralympics 1960 – first World Games for the Disabled held in Rome and 23 countries took part Thousands of disabled athletes from over 130 countries take part in events such as swimming, wheelchair basketball and running Different categories for athletes depending on category of disability Technology has made real progress in helping athletes – double amputee South African runner Oscar Pistorius by using J-shaped carbon fibre blades and can now run as fast as the top able- bodied athletes
Issues of Equality To know and understand the financial backing given to sport and leisure To investigate issues concerning equality in sport and leisure DO YOU THINK SUPERSTARS ARE PAID TOO MUCH?
Issues of Equality To investigate issues concerning equality in sport and leisure Using page create a poster/leaflet to raise awareness about the issues of equality in sports based on gender, money, level of participation and disability Include at least two religious teachings on these issues Christians – ‘Love your neighbour’/ sport keeps the God given body healthy and enables people to work with one another Hindus – helping others and promoting fair play encourages development of positive karma which will lead to a good rebirth or release from cycle of rebirth
O PINION L INE – ‘A NYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO COMPETE IN A SPORT OF THEIR CHOOSING ’ Put your name on your post-it with a reason for what you think! Stick it on the board where your opinion lies! What do I think? Totally wrong Totally Right Unsure
I SSUES INVOLVED IN S PORT How does it affect you when you are faced by racism? Rio Ferdinand On the pitch I go in a bit stronger and challenge them. Not verbally, I let the football do the talking and embarrass them. I'm not the type of person to confront people but I will try to win the game so I can look them in the eye. "Racism is not only a problem in football, it's a problem in society. Until we tackle it in society, we can't tackle it in football." John Barnes, former England midfielder
I SSUES INVOLVED IN SPORT Prejudice and discrimaintion are key issues in the sporting arena today. Great efforts are being made to try and eradicate prejudice. In football there has been the “Let’s Kick racism out of Football” campaign Black players feel protected and where abuse does occur the F.A. and F.I.F.A. have a duty to act. Fines are given Lweis Hamilton was abused in the 2008 Spanish Grand Prix. The Spanish Motorsports Federation (RFEDA) issued a stinging condemnation of fans who abused Hamilton and declared its "absolute repulsion" at the incidents in Barcelona.
I SSUES INVOLVED IN S PORT Racism can occur between players In 2008 a race row erupted over claims that the Indian cricketer Harbajan Singh racially abused Andrew Symonds. Rugby hero tweets Pakistan-born bowler who refuses to wear logo of national team's beer sponsor on religious grounds should be told "go home"
H OMEWORK Produce a news article looking at incidents of racism in sport, gender inequality or disability issues. It should cover what has happened, what action has been taken AND how religious people have responded.