Grade 7 – Sexual Health By Letecia Hayes and Kaija Gnazdowsky
Ground Rules G – Giggling is okay R – Raise your hand O – Option to pass on answering questions is allowed U – Use appropriate words when describing the body N – No question is silly D – Do listen to others when they are speaking
Healthy Food Choices Breakfast What food choice is healthier?
Healthy Food Choices Lunch What food choice is healthier?
Healthy Food Choices? Dinner What food choice is healthiest?
Healthy Food Choices Snacks What snack choice is healthier?
Canada’s Food Guide Ages 9-13 years Amount of servings Fruit and Vegetables6 Grain Products6 Milk and Alternatives3-4 Meat and Alternatives1-2
Examples Vegetables and Fruit- Fresh, frozen, or canned fruit and vegetables- 1 serving refers to ½ cup Grain Products- 1 slice of bread, ½ bagel, ½ cup cooked rice or quinoa, ½ cup cooked pasta Milk and Alternatives- 1 cup milk, ¾ cup yogurt Meat and Alternatives- chicken, beef, fish(75g- ½ cup), ¾ cup cooked legumes, 2 eggs, 2tbsp of peanut butter
What are some ways to incorporate healthy eating Drink 8 cups of water/day Healthy eating (decrease sugar intake), Increase protein intake (meats and alternatives) Eat fruit, veggies(leafy greens), fibre, protein (meat, tofu, nuts, chickpeas, fish, chicken…) Try to incorporate whole grains into diet as much as possible.
Physical Activity What are some ways you choose to stay active?
Physical What do you do to stay physically healthy? Bike/walk to school Encourage family to participate in outdoor activities (hiking, sports, swimming, dancing) Participate in activities with your friends
How to maintain Emotional Health What are some things you do to promote emotional health? Thoughts room website- How does it work? hethoughtsroom&lang hethoughtsroom&lang=
How to Maintain Emotional Health Have “me” time (ex. Take a bath, exercise, reading, listen to music, write in a diary) Breathing exercises Talk to someone about how you feel (friends, family member, counsellor, animals)
Healthy Relationships What are some characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships?
Healthy Relationships Healthy: love, compassion, trust, friendship, happiness, laughter, respect, open communication, comfort, honesty, independence Unhealthy: Jealousy, other person tries to change you, lies, blaming, fear, lack of trust, low self-esteem, abuse, feel you can’t be yourself
Social Media 1. What forms of social media do you use?
The Power of Photoshop
Quick review of Puberty Physical Social and Emotional Changes
Puberty T/F Boys get erections because they are always thinking about sex? All teens argue with their parents during adolescence? Teens get pimples and zits because they do not wash often enough? All girls are emotional and tearful before their periods?
Abstinence Abstinence can mean different things to different people. For some, it means having no physical contact with other people. For others, it could mean having limited contact, allowing some activities, but not sexual intercourse.
Activity Time !!! Female and Male reproduction
Female Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System
Activity Time
Female reproduction 1. Lining of the uterus shed (day 1 of menstrual flow) 2. Ovulation occurs- egg released from ovary 3. Lining of uterus thickens with blood 4. Egg(ovum) travels through fallopian tube 5. Egg enters uterus 6. Egg dissolves if unfertilized
Male reproduction 1. Sperm made in testicles 2. Sperm matures in Epididymis 3. Sperm travels up Vas Deferens 4. Sperm mixes with seminal fluid to make semen 5. Sperm leaves the penis (ejaculation)
Conception/ Fertilization 1. Sperm enters vagina 2. Sperm travels up vaginal canal 3. Sperm meets egg in the outer portion of the fallopian tube(fertilization) 4. Fertilized egg travels down fallopian tube into the uterus 5. Fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus 6. Egg uses lining of uterus for nourishment 7. Takes 9 months to grow into full term baby.
Birth Video!