The Open Budget Survey 2010
What is the Open Budget Survey 2010? A comprehensive assessment that evaluates: –public access to national budget information and opportunities to participate in the budget process (92 questions), and –the strength of formal oversight institutions – national legislatures and external auditors (22 questions). It does not assess: –budget transparency at the subnational level, and –the accuracy or quality of information contained in budget reports Survey covers 94 countries; 2008 Survey - 85 countries; 2006 Survey - 59 countries.
Open Budget Survey vs. Open Budget Index OPEN BUDGET INDEX: Developed from the Survey –What does it measure? The extent to which governments make available the 8 key budget documents throughout the four phases of the budget process. –How is it constructed? Using 91 of the 123 questions of the Survey Multiple choice answers (a-e) are assigned a numerical value (100, 66, 33, 0). Then average is calculated.
Rigorous Survey Methodology Data quality assured through five-step process: 1.Survey completed by nonpartisan expert country researcher 2.Peer reviews provided by two independent, anonymous, expert reviewers per country 3.IBP checks internal consistency and accuracy against publicly available data 4.Government review (optional) 5.IBP referees differences in answers between researchers and reviewers
5 Key Finding #1: Major Gaps in Budget Transparency Worldwide Governments publish less than half of the required budget data (Average score 42/100) Only 20 of the 94 countries provide their citizens with comprehensive budget data. 40 countries publish minimal or no budget information; 21 countries do not publish the budget proposal. Public availability of certain budget reports is particularly poor (Pre-Budget and Mid-Year Reports). Low-scoring countries often share similar characteristics, such as geography, dependence on extractive industries and/or aid, and weak democratic institutions.
Key Finding #2: Lack of Transparency Compounded by Weak Oversight Institutions LEGISLATURE –Inadequate legal powers and time to review the budget –Limited powers to approve and monitor modifications of the enacted budget during budget execution SUPREME AUDIT INSTITUTION –Lack independence –Limited funding/resources Institutions not maximizing use of existing powers and resources to involve citizens
Key Finding #3: Significant Improvements In Previously Low-Scoring Countries Country Afghanistan-821 Angola5426 Argentina4056 Azerbaijan Egypt Georgia Liberia-340 Malawi-2847 Mongolia Rwanda-111 Uganda Vietnam31014 Yemen-1025
Recommendations-Short Term Governments should: Publish all the budget documents they already produce for internal purposes or donors. Make budget documents widely available for free and on a timely basis. Legislatures and SAIs should: Provide the public with opportunities to attend and testify during budget discussions in legislatures; Hold public consultations during the development, execution, and publication of audits by SAIs; and Partner with CSOs and universities to improve access to analysts and communities.
Recommendations - Medium Term 1.Establish a global norm on budget transparency that could possibly include guarantees to: Public access to information on budget processes, policies, and results Opportunities to participate meaningfully in the budget process Domestic and international implementation mechanisms 2.Donors promote budget transparency and engagement Improve transparency of aid flows and compatibility with country budget systems Emphasize transparency and engagement in all PFM reforms Strengthen linkages between transparency performance and aid modalities Increase parallel support to oversight institutions and CSOs Use OBI to diagnose problems and target country reforms
Potential for Improved Budget Transparency Practices After the 2010 Open Budget Survey Release Governments have Started Releasing Citizens Budgets e.g. Brazil, Mexico, Guatemala, Lebanon and Egypt. Governments Have Begun Publishing Key Budget Reports for the First Time - The government of Afghanistan has published a Pre-Budget Statement and the Executive’s Budget Proposal for the first time. - The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo published the Executive’s Budget Proposal and a budget timetable for the first time - Georgia’s supreme audit institution for the first time released a report listing audit statements on various violations of law by government entities and an overview of the follow-up actions these audited entities undertook to address the problems.
Potential for Improved Budget Transparency Practices after the 2010 Open Budget Survey Release (cntd) Governments Are Using OBI Information to Draft Legislation and Policies to Promote Greater Transparency and Public Engagement in Budgeting: The Slovakian government has informed the IBP’s local partner, MESA 10, about its plans to develop legislation on budget transparency and fiscal responsibility. The government of Nigeria and the World Bank in Kenya are exploring provisions for budget transparency and public engagement that could be included in the government’s plans for legislation on public finances.
Contact Information Harika Masud Open Budget Initiative 820 First Street, NE Suite 510 Washington, D.C Phone: Fax: