A Long Walk to Water Launching the Two-Voice Poem Learning Targets: 1. I can plan and write a two voice poem that compares and contrasts how Salva and Nya survived in the challenging environments of South Sudan. 2. I can gather evidence from A Long Walk to Water and informational texts for my two voice poem.
Step 1: Check page 2 in Unit 2 workbooks - Sit with White Nile partner. Read the directions on page 55 in your workbook as a class. Turn and talk with your partner about the Two Voice Poem: a. What will you be doing? b. What is the objective of this assignment?
Step 2 - Reading the Model Poem Listen to the model poem (on page 56) being read out loud. Now, read the poem with your partner: one partner reads Uncle Jewiir, one partner reads Nya’s Uncle, and BOTH partners read “Both.” Turn & Talk: Which column(s) are for comparing the characters? Which column(s) are for contrasting the characters?
Step 3: Select Factors from Survival Chart - Independent You are receiving a list of Survival Factors from the chart on page 4 - these can be used in your poem because they have evidence in both the novel and the informational texts we have read! You must select at least two factors to include in your poem! Now, write these in the middle column of your graphic organizer on page 57 (skip row 1 - we will do this together).
Persistance Walking Water Aid Organizations Family Support Culture - Tribe Youth
Step 4: Gathering Evidence for Poem - Novel Pay attention as row 1 is modeled for you. Copy this into your own chart! Now, use your gathering evidence charts in the workbook, as well as Reader’s Notes, to fill out the next 2-3 rows - focus only on column 2 (Evidence from Nya’s story) and column 4 (Evidence from Salva’s story).
Step 5: Preparing Nonfiction Texts Take out your copies of the following texts, or get new copes if needed: “Time Trip: Sudan’s Civil War” “Sudanese Tribes Confront Modern War” - excerpts 1 & 2 “Loss of Culturally Vital Cattle Leaves Dinka Tribe Adrift in Refugee Camps” - excerpts 1 & 2 Author’s Note & Message from Salva - in A Long Walk to Water Notes on waterforsudan.org - pages 38-39 in workbook
Step 6: Gathering Evidence for Poem - Informational Texts Add to your chart as the first row, columns 1 & 5 are modeled for you! Focus on row 2 - where will you find evidence on this factor from your informational texts? SKIM your text(s) - look at annotations & gist notes! Add to your chart!
Homework Complete Two Voice Poem Gathering Evidence Graphic Organizer on page 57