Jefferson Clinical Research Forum Greenphire ClinCard Subject Remuneration Erica Brown Project Specialist Jefferson Clinical Research Institute
Greenphire Clincard System Main drivers for going to Greenphire Clincard system 1. Efficiency (reducing effort to process) >2,100 paper Requests For Payments (RFPs) processed in the last 12 months Each transaction around 2 hours effort across the process Create RFP, obtain JCRI/RACE approvals, Accounts Payable (AP) processing, mailing checks or cashing petty cash reimbursement 2.Improve compliance with IRS 1099 yearly reporting
Greenphire clincard System Existing trials will continue with current process There is always the option for current trials to use Greenphire for new subjects All new trials with subject remuneration will be required to use Greenphire Exceptions to Clincard use will be at the subject level Access maintained through JCRI Web based system with role based access Debit cards used to dispense remuneration to patients
Greenphire Clincard System Department level responsibilities: Point of contact (POC) will need to be established for each department POC will request new and/or changes to research personnel who need access to dispense to subjects Greenphire Access Form is posted on the JCRI website. POC will be responsible for obtaining, storing and distributing debit cards Submits the request for cards Card request form is located on the JCRI website Estimate based on 6 months of patient activity Complete request form and to and cc Erica will contact you to confirm a pick up time Please bring something to carry your cards as they are the departments responsibility once you sign for them
Greenphire Clincard System
Process: Research personnel setup by JCRI Assigned only to those trials where the person has been submitted on the OHR1 form to the Office of Human Research (OHR) Trial remuneration schedule entered by JCRI/RACE grant administrators Clinical coordinators provide their financial team with the visit payment schedules, and review debit card usage with subjects during consent process and research visits Select milestone visit payment or enter manual payments JCRI/RACE grant administrators review and process charges to trial grants monthly
Greenphire Clincard System Training Sessions Held weekly, online, beginning the week of May 17 th Coordinator Training Days: Tuesdays at 1pm and Thursdays at 11am Financial Admin Training Days: Wednesdays at 1pm and Fridays at 11am Sessions will move to bi-weekly as the need is reduced. A mass will be sent out to notify everyone of the change in frequency. Please me at to register for You will receive: with ClinCard log-in credentials Join.Me meeting invite (should appear on your Outlook Calendar) Post training follow-up , includes link to access training documents on the JCRI website
Greenphire Clincard System