D AILY F OCUS M ONDAY 5/4 Objectives: Explain the nutritional benefits of dairy products and how to select, store & prepare. Question of the day: What nutrients does milk provide? Agenda Dairy Review Cheese Experiment Plan for Lab Wrap Up: (last class) What is it called when you cannot eat dairy and name 2 dairy substitutes. Wrap Up: What cooking temperatures is recommended when cooking dairy?
D AIRY R EVIEW What are some examples of dairy products? What nutrients does dairy provide? What is pasteurization and homogenization? When cooking with dairy what temperature is recommended? What are some issues associated with cooking dairy products? What does it mean to be lactose intolerant? What are dairy substitutes for those people?
C HEESE E XPERIMENT PURPOSE: To understand the process of curdling. To discover whether it is possible to make your own cheese simply and to find out how easy or difficult it is to make cheese, using 3 simple ingredients and cheese cloth. To show you that you can be economical by making your own cheese from scratch vs. buying. PROCESS: 1. Line strainer with coffee filter and place over large bowl. 2. Add milk & salt to a medium saucepan. Bring to a slight boil while stirring frequently so the milk does not burn on the bottom (thermometer should register about 165°F). 3. Remove from heat and add vinegar. Stir gently for 5 seconds. Milk should separate into solid white curds and translucent liquid whey. 4. Using slotted spoon or wire skimmer, transfer curds to prepared strainer, cover exposed top with plastic wrap, and allow to drain until desired texture is reached.
B RUSCHETTA R ECIPE Put the following ingredients into the large mixing bowl. K1: seed and chop 4 Roma tomatoes K2: chiffonade 5 basil leaves K3: Add 1-2 Tbsp. Balsamic Vinegar K4: 1 garlic clove crushed K5: Slice K6: Toast bread (broil on low until browned)
P LAN FOR D AIRY L AB : 5/5 & 5/6 Cooks come see me for a recipe 1-Cheddar and Ham Muffins 2-Confetti Quesadillas w/ Cilantro Yogurt Dip 3-Banana Yogurt Crepes 4-Hot Pizza Dip 5-Cinnamon Raisin Bread Pudding with Vanilla Pudding Sauce (lactose free) 6-Loaded Potato Soup
M AKING A R OUX Roux is the main method used to thicken sauces Roux is a combination of equal parts of flour & fat White roux Cooked only briefly, used in white sauces Blond roux Cooked slightly longer to take on a little color, used in ivory-colored sauces Brown roux Cooked until it develops a darker color and a nutty aroma, used in brown sauces
D AIRY LAB N OTES Loaded Potato Soup I gave you 4 potatoes, you may use all of them Use your dutch oven for your soup Peel, cube, and cook the potatoes BEFORE mashing them and adding to the milk mixture Hot Pizza Dip You have 1 loaf of French bread that needs to bake so bake this first. Please make sure these are in the oven ASAP, they take about minutes to bake Confetti Quesadillas Slice them into triangles with your pizza cutter for serving Banana and Yogurt Crepes Skip step #1 in your recipe and use the recipe provided for the crepes Please let me know if you need help with the crepe making process Using your small sauté pan will work the best Use 1 ½ cups vanilla yogurt and 2 bananas Bread Pudding Use a 9 X 13 inch glass casserole There is a difference between an EGG and EGG WHITES…pay attention to what the recipe is asking