General Lyceum of Kalampaka
Working group of teachers: Stavrakis Dimosthenis (headmaster) Stavrakis Dimosthenis (headmaster) Kalkani Mina Kalkani Mina Derekenaris Gregory Derekenaris Gregory Ardaniotis Christos Ardaniotis Christos Hliopoulou Panagiota Hliopoulou Panagiota
And we are: Katsiouli Nasia Katsiouli Nasia Badanika Katerina Badanika Katerina Tampoura Eleni Tampoura Eleni Papadopoulos Dimitris Papadopoulos Dimitris
Production planning ……….after the business idea, the company design and creation, our workgroup has to plan the production of our product that will be the olive paste in jars with a label from recycled paper……. Our production plan can be further detailed as following: Raw materials for the production of olive paste and its further processing according to the recipe, Raw materials for the production of olive paste and its further processing according to the recipe, Package materials, Package materials, The labor required at each stage of production, The labor required at each stage of production, Product distribution network. Product distribution network.
Production planning The production process can be divided into the following phases:
First step Second step Third step Fourth step Olives, olive oil, balsamic, salt, garlic, parsley, rosemary, thyme, oregano, pepper, labor, jar According to the recipe: We remove the stones from olives and the seeds from the red peppers. Then we put all the ingredients in the blender and we blend them. Finally we put the olive pate in a jar and we add olive oil on the top as preservative, preventing air from coming into contact with the past and thus destroying it. Be careful: The jars that are to be used must also be completely clean and dry. Use extra virgin olive oil and cover the food completely. You must never, however, fill the jar right up to the top. Jar, recycled paper, Olive paste, Olive Oil Local level: Distribution Center = school, consumers = teachers, parents. International level: International fair in Germany (Comenius) Recycling paper: First we put the paper we have collected from the bins in our school in water for four days imeres.Tin second add bleach to the non-chloride mixture. On the fourth day we put the mixture into a blender and mix well then spread on a table to dry. And the paper is ready for processing depending on the thickness and shape you want. Inflow raw materials, production factors Materials processing Packing materials Distribution of products
Production planning- Inflow raw materials, production factors In the first step our team had to set up the manufacturing site and the production of the prototype. So, we decided that the most appropriate place was the school physics laboratory. Afterwards we had to search for and gather all necessary materials needed to produce the product. First Step
Production planning According to the recipe, production requires the following materials: First Step IngredientsQuantity (gr)Cost (Euro) 1 cup of olives kalamon (206 gr), without stones 157 gr1570,55 4 tablespoon olive oil, 40ml400,14 2 tablespoon balsamic vinegar200,15 4 red peppers in salt1861,23 1 clove of garlic 0,01 1 tablespoon of parsley in small pieces 0,03 1 tablespoon of fresh rosemary 0,01 1 tablespoon of fresh thyme 0,02 1/2 of small branch of oregano 0,02 ground pepper 0,03 about 400gr 2,19 € cost for 3 jars of 135gr and for the labels3x0,5 1,50 € Total cost for 3 jars of olive paste cost 3,69 €
Production planning First Step According to our calculations (materials, labor and profit) our product (one jar) will be priced at 3,50 €.
Production planning - Materials processing Secon d Step In the second part of the production planning we are focusing on the creation of the olive paste, which is the main part of our product. In the laboratory we set up all the necessary steps for the production of the paste, which we describe in the following photos. First we need to wash all the raw materials thoroughly
Production planning Second Step Then we cut the materials to the appropriate size
Production planning Second Step We put everything in a blender together with the other ingredients And we blend them ……
Production planning Second Step ………………………..and the olive paste is ready!……..
Production planning Second Step Processing Recycling paper
Production planning - Packing materials Third Step The third step of our production is the packaging of the product and the final preparation for distribution to consumers. The paste will be packaged in small glass jars with a recycled paper label with the brand of our company. Samples from these jars are presented in the following photos.
Production planning Third Step Samples of the paper labels:
Production planning - Distribution of products Fourth Step In this step we focus on setting up our product’s distribution. The distribution of our product is divided in 2 categories: local and international. -At the local level we will promote our product mainly to parents of pupils of our school and school teachers. -At the international level we would like to promote our product to the partners of this program at the final fair in Germany.
Thank you Thank you