Protestant Reformation Causes Key People Consequences
Cause 1: Merchant wealth challenged the church’s view of usury. Usury—lending money for interest
Cause 2: German and English nobility disliked Italian domination of the Church All the popes were Italian
Cause 3: Church’s great political power and wealth caused conflict. The Church was almost like a separate country.
Cause 4: Church corruption and the SALE OF INDULGENCES were widespread and caused conflict.
Martin Luther was a priest who believed in justification (salvation) by faith alone He also believed people could have an individual, direct relationship with God.
Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. A thesis is an argument.
● Excommunicated ●Defended views at Diet of Worms ●Imperial Edict—in danger of execution
“Kidnapped” by Frederick the Wise, a friend Hidden from enemies Translated Bible into German vernacular Vernacular = locally spoken language; not Latin
Martin Luther contributed to the birth of the Protestant Church. (Lutheran Church) Mennonite Seventh Day Adventists Mormon Unitarian
John Calvin believed in predestination. Predestination=belief that God chooses whether or not persons will be saved before they are ever born
▪ John Calvin wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion ▪ Wanted to create theocratic government in Geneva—very strict ▪ Established Calvinist (Presbyterian) Church
King Henry VIII (England) disputed the authority of the pope in Rome.
King Henry VIII divorced his wife and remarried, then broke with the Catholic Church. Henry’s dispute with the Church was political, not religious. He argued the Pope had no authority over him. Initially, Henry had supported the Pope against Martin Luther.
King Henry VIII formed the Anglican Church. Conflict with Catholics continued after his death, until his daughter Elizabeth I established Protestantism permanently in England.
Immediate Results—Germany In the North: Princes converted to Protestantism ending papal (pope’s) authority in their states.
Immediate Results—Germany The Hapsburg Family (ruling family of the HRE—Holy Roman Empire) remained with the Catholic Church.
Immediate Results--Germany War between Protestants and Catholics resulted in devastating loss--the Thirty Years’ War.
Immediate Results--England Elizabeth I ended bloodshed and united the British Isles under the Anglican Church. Rise of the Reformation contributed to the growth of capitalism.
Immediate Results--France Catholic Monarch (Henry IV) granted Protestant Huguenots freedom of worship with the Edict of Nantes. St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
Immediate Results--France Cardinal Richelieu (adviser to French king) changed the focus of the Thirty Years’ War from a religious to a political one.
Immediate Results—Catholic Reformation (Counter Reformation) Catholic Church mounted reforms to reassert its authority. (Reforms agreed to at the Council of Trent.)
Immediate Results—Counter- Reformation Society of Jesus (The JESUITS) was founded to spread Catholic doctrine around the world. The Jesuits were established by Ignatius de Loyola.
Immediate Results Counter Reformation The Inquisition was established to reinforce Catholic doctrine. (Used torture and death as a threat against heretics or nonbelievers. The Protestants did the same thing to Catholics.)
Index of Forbidden Books List of banned books that Catholics were told not to read Demonstrated the significance of the changes brought about by the printing press
Long Term Results Growth of secularism Church’s moral/political authority declined Nation-states gain power Growth of individualism Promotion of Education Growth of religious tolerance Stage set for Enlightenment