Who’s the Communist? outube.com/ watch?v=AW eZ5SKXvj8 outube.com/ watch?v=AW eZ5SKXvj8
Should an American freely be able to hold Communist beliefs? EVEN DURING THE COLD WAR?
Growing Fear of Communism The fear of Communism in the United States was nothing new. A. Mitchel Palmer and the Palmer raids Sacco and Vanzetti National Origins Act of 1924 Nativism = KKK revival In 1949 two events added greatly to the nation’s anxiety over Communism. 1. The discovery that the Soviet Union possessed an atomic weapon 2. Communists had taken control of China Led by Mao Zedong
Fighting the Spread of Communism at Home Investigating Communism House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC): this committee’s original purpose was to investigate Fascists and Communists in the US The most famous HUAC investigation is known as the Hollywood Ten: explored possible Communist influence in the film industry. 10 of those who were believed to hold radical political views refused to answer questions, so they were found guilty of contempt and sentenced to a year in prison.
Truman and Loyalty Truman did not want to appear weak when dealing with Communism Congressmen were claiming that Communists were working in the Federal government As a result, Truman created a plan for investigating members of the government for disloyalty to the United States The Smith Act : made it a crime to call for the overthrow if the US government The McCarran Act : required Communist organizations to register with the gov’t
Spy Cases Alger Hiss Accused of being a spy for the Soviets Testified before the HUAC in 1948 and denied the charges Evidence showed Hiss had lied- sentenced to prison Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Accused and convicted of giving information to the Soviets of how to build an atomic bomb The Rosenbergs were the first US civilians to be executed for espionage
The Rise of McCarthyism Joseph McCarthy was a Senator running for re-election. In a campaign speech he claimed there were 205 known Communists working for the US Dept. of State McCarthy’s charges created a sensation now known as McCarthyism: tactic of spreading fear and making unproven accusations. A modern-day witch hunt. These hearings were televised, which spread his anti-Communist message widely.
McCarthy’s Fall McCarthy became increasingly wild in his charges Accused his fellow Republicans Attacked the US Army, claiming it was protecting Communists The public increasingly came to view his tactics as unfair The fear of Communism remains strong, but the career of Senator McCarthy faded away.
Famous Americans Accused