Guidelines and Procedures for Humane Catching of Dogs, & Dog Holding Facilities
OIE Guidelines Adopted by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in Requests all 177 member states to use only humane methods. Montenegro is a member.
OIE Guidelines:- The Competent Authority should collect dogs that are not under direct supervision and verify their ownership. Capture, transport, and holding of the dogs should be done humanely. The Competent Authority should develop and implement appropriate legislation and training to regulate these activities. Capture should be achieved with the minimum force required and equipment should be used that support humane handling. Uncovered wire loops should not be used for capture.
Competent Authority Means the veterinary authority or other governmental authority of a member having the responsibility and competence for ensuring or supervising the implementation of animal health and welfare measures, international veterinary certification and other standards and recommendations in the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code.
Verifying Ownership Check for micro-chip; ear tattoo or collar with tag. If an owner is identified a notice should be served advising said owner how to reclaim his dog. Dogs may be returned immediately at the discretion of the municipality. OIE guidelines state:- “The Competent Authority should collect dogs that are not under direct supervision and verify their ownership”.
Verifying Ownership Other methods of identification may include Collar tags and/or ear tattoo’s
Capture of Dogs OIE guidelines state:- “Capture should be achieved with the minimum force required and equipment should be used that support humane handling. Uncovered wire loops should not be used for capture.”
Minimum Force Lure methods Pick up & Carry Slip leashes Box Traps
Intermediate Methods Snares Catch-poles Nets
Last Resort Chemical Capture
Forbidden Uncovered wire slip leash
Transportation Many problems are associated with vehicles. Often vehicles are old and have been used for other tasks before being used for collection of dogs.
Transportation High wheelbase makes loading dogs more difficult
Transportation Animals need to be protected from extremes of weather Uncovered vehicles are not suitable. Use of catching tongs are unacceptable.
Transportation Communal cages Potential aggression between dogs. Difficult to load/unload dogs safely (Easy to escape!!) In-season females can be subjected to unwarranted attention from males. Normally no provision made for puppies/small dogs. Communal cages should be avoided
Transportation Vehicles need a low wheel base. Adequate ventilation. Individual removable cages. Separate box for cadavers. Dogs should never be transported with cats.
Holding Facilities A proper diet, including fresh water Somewhere suitable to live Any need to be housed with or apart from, other animals Allowing animals to express normal behaviour Protect from and treatment of, illness and injury
Holding Facilities Food & water bowls must be capable of being easily cleaned & disinfected to prevent cross infection.
Holding Facilities Exclusive facilities, hygienically constructed, should be provided for the storage and preparation of food.
Holding Facilities Where fresh and cooked meats are stored, refrigeration facilities must be provided, and potential food contamination avoided.
Holding Facilities All kennels, corridors, common areas should be kept clean and free from dirt and must be kept in a manner as to be conducive to maintenance of disease control and dog comfort.
Holding Facilities Occupied kennels must be cleaned daily. All bedding areas must be kept clean and dry.
Holding Facilities Heating should be available and used according to the requirements of the individual dog. Ideally there should be a sleeping area where the dog is able to enjoy a temperature of at least 10°C.
Holding Facilities Precautions must be taken to prevent and control the spread of infectious disease amongst animals, staff and visitors. Quarantine facilities on entry.
Training Appropriate training can help reduce bad practice. Standard operating procedures can also be introduced to provide information to staff on how to carry out their duties.
Training OIE states- “The Competent Authority should develop and implement appropriate legislation and training to regulate these activities”. Training in catching; shelter management and equipment use is vital to prevent inhumane Practices. Procedures for conducting specific Tasks should be written and provided to staff.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) routine or repetitive activityAre set of written instructions that document a routine or repetitive activity used by an organisation. SOPs detail the work processes that are to be conducted or followed to carry out a task. SOPs need to be reviewed regularly and updated or amended if necessary.
SOPs Help to assure that the activities are being performed properly, avoiding mistakes. Can help in identifying where training is needed. Dependence and decision making on individual’s are reduced. Help to define the procedures that could be improved- Difficult to implement an overall strategy if the procedures are not clearly established.
Writing SOP’s Short, easy and exact description of every step necessary to perform the procedure (flow diagram could help). Activity name. Place where it is performed List of the equipment and material necessary to perform (also chemicals and doses used). Frequency of performance. Approximate time to perform it. Responsible Individual. Indicate legislation/other relevent documents
Activities Involved
Catching/Seizure of Dogs (Sample SOP) The capture of stray dogs must always be regarded as stressful, both for the dog and the catcher. What ……..Municipal Authority is trying to achieve is the capture of stray dogs in a manner which minimizes that stress as far as it is practicable. The only method that is both efficient and least stressful for free running stray dogs is the correct application of the dog capture net. Once a dog is restrained within the confines of the net, it may remain there until the animal arrives at the dog pound (lactating females with pups an exception), provided the total time from capture to arrival at the pound does not exceed 3 hours. Should catching take place in locations remote from the CM Dog Pound, causing total catching and journey time to exceed this limit then provisions should be made for this. Dogs should either be transferred to a secondary vehicle which should then immediately return to the pound post transfer, or placed in suitable secure cages. Cages should contain no more than 2 dogs of equal age and temperament. Male dogs should not be caged with females. Potentially rabid dogs should immediately taken to the CM Dog Pound after capture. Dogs caught by the dog catching net must not be subject to any unnecessary stress or suffering. A minimum of two trained catchers (not including driver) must be deployed during a capture. Issue 2 – March 2009 Revision Date March 2010
Conclusion Guidelines should be adopted that follow OIE standards. Appropriate equipment; vehicles and dog holding facilities should be available. Training should be provided for all staff employed in stray dog control. SOPs should be introduced and adhered to.
Thank You