Introducing the Devon & Cornwall Food Association
OK…’fess up ! Who’s got a six week old bag of lettuce in the back of their fridge ? You’re not alone ! We chuck out 7 million tonnes of scraps and uneaten food every year. But, between them, producers and retailers throw out over 14 million tonnes. Some of it never sees the supermarket shelves. Some of it just doesn’t sell. Some of it is ‘just a mistake’.
That’s where DCFA comes in……. We collect surplus, but still edible, food supplies and redistribute them, through local organisations, to vulnerable community members across the South West. Quite simple ?…….maybe not as easy as you’d think !
We are….. A registered charity…no Launched in 2010 With three food hubs, Run mainly by volunteers, Managed by eight Trustees, Funded by grants, sponsorship and donations. Happy to work with partners !
What do we ‘supply’ ? Lots of the basics….bread, pies, pasties, tinned and packet food, fruit and veg (when we can get it), milk, meat and fish products. And treats…..juices, ice cream, chutneys and pickles, popcorn. And the occasional oddity…….30 huge organic turkeys and 1.5 tonnes of veg, venison haggis. We don’t accept sushi, open foods from buffets or anything past its ‘use by’ date.
In 2015, and with South West Water’s help, we have collected… In Plymouth – tonnes worth £172,765. In Cornwall – 14.4 tonnes worth £53,782. In Exeter – 7.31 tonnes worth £20,743 to date (with six months of stats outstanding !)
That’s…… tonnes worth £670,585 In the five years since our launch In 2015 we have also : Relocated two of our three hubs. Introduced our third hub. Kept our freezers going ! Won the 2015 Plymouth Volunteer Team of the Year Award and two awards for sustainability in Cornwall.
We take our responsibilities very seriously ! We are ‘zero to landfill’ And we calculate the emissions avoided…….as the carbon footprint of food waste is the equivalent of one in every four cars on the road. So far we’ve avoided tCO2
We currently work with …… Over 40 suppliers…including three leading supermarket chains. Over 90 local organisations…..supporting the elderly, the homeless, veterans, those tackling addictions and challenging lifestyles, those with mental illness, young people and vulnerable families. In total approx individuals a week !
What’s next for DCFA ? Ensuring our sustainability. A new name….just ! Finding the funding for the Plymouth Hub, Supporting the survival the charity. Training our volunteers. Reviewing all our contracts and ensuring we meet all our legal responsibilities. Completing our 2016/2020 Business Plan Securing longer term funding. Our AGM – 24 th March, 11am at the River Cottage Canteen & Deli, RWY, Plymouth.
We’d like to say a big Thank You ! We are looking forward to working with you in 2016 and beyond Happy to answer any questions you may have. Web :