Basilica of Constantine & The Column of Phocas Savion Sample
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Basilica of Constantine ➔ Started by emperor Maxentius ➔ Finished by emperor Constantine ➔ Constantine altered it by giving it a grand entrance ➔ Destroyed by earthquakes
➔ One of greatest basilicas ever built ➔ Served as council chamber, meeting hall, and court-house ➔ Influenced architects and other buildings ➔ Summer Olympics ➔ Rock Concerts
Basilica of Constantine (today)
Basilica of Constantine (before)
Column of Phocas ➔ Dedicated to emperor Phocas ➔ Last edition to forum ➔ Inscribed + dedication to emperor Phocas ➔ Emblem of the imperial sovereignty over Rome ➔ Phocas overthrown and killed in 610 ➔ One column remains
Works Cited "Basilica of Constantine." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., Web. 02 Apr "Column of Phocas." Wikipedia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Wikipedia. Web. 2 Apr "Overview of Roman Basilicas." Rome Reborn. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr "Rome." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., Web. 02 Apr