School Funding Information Off the Record Meeting May 11, 2007
Biennium Essential Budget Level (EBL) $5.318 billion Close of Session Funding Level $5.240 billion $78 million lower than EBL Later additions (lottery, general fund) $65 million Total Funding for $5.240 billion + $65 million = $5.305 billion $13 million LOWER than EBL
Biennium Essential Budget Level (EBL) $5.791 billion K-12 Education Coalition Funding Proposal Partners: COSA, OEA, OSBA, OSEA, Stand for Children, AFT-Oregon, OAESD, Oregon Small Schools Association Our ultimate goal – funding schools at the Quality Education Model (QEM) estimate of QEM - $7.78 billion
The Education Coalition supports… State School Fund Grant$6.0 billion School Improvement Fund$ 300 million $6.3 billion For
Governor’s Budget State School Fund Grant$6.0 billion School Improvement Fund$ 60 million $6.06 billion
Co-Chairs Budget State School Fund Grant$5.985 billion School Improvement Fund$ 260 million $6.245 billion Essential Budget Level$5.791 billion Above EBL$ 454 million
Total Funding, to Increase SSF$5.305B$6.245B17.7% Local Revenue$2.609B$2.806B 7.6% TOTAL$7.914B$9.051B14.4% ($5.985B+$260M) $1.137 Billion Increase
State School Fund Revenue Co-Chairs Budget (refer to handout)
School Improvement Fund $260 million $181/ADMw for School Districts $8/ADMw for Education Service Districts
School Improvement Fund What you can spend it on Early Childhood Support (including Pre-K and Full-Day K) Class Size Reduction Increasing Instructional Time (summer, before/after school, etc.) Mentoring, teacher retention, professional development Remediation, alternative learning, student retention Services to at-risk youth Programs to improve student achievement gaps Vocational education programs Literacy programs Other research-based student improvement strategies approved by the State Board of Education
School Improvement Fund Process: Apply to Department of Education Applications to shall include Activities to be funded Goals for increasing student performance Becomes part of the district improvement plan Evaluation ODE shall evaluate annual progress ODE shall issue biennial report to Legislature
“Big” Opportunity: 2009 Session Increase SSF$6.245B$7.411B18.7% Local Revenue$2.806B$3.067B 9.3% TOTAL$9.051B$10.477B15.8% ($6.870B+$541M) $1.426 Billion Increase (PROJ)
What’s Next May 15 – Updated State Revenue Forecast May 17 – Education Coalition Partners meet with Co- Chairs (Rep. Mary Nolan, Sen. Kurt Schrader) Holes to Fill in Co-Chairs Budget: Higher education funding for community colleges and universities Other Issues: Federal Forest Fees Updates to the SSF Estimates ( closeout, , )