IMP Peer Share Call March 2016 Dealing with Challenging Matches
Information and resources will be presented on effective strategies for dealing with challenging matches. This will be a roundtable discussion. YOUR input is essential. Please share any questions or ideas of your own. Introduction
Moderator: Katie Orlando Executive Director Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa
IMP Announcements Panel Introduction Scenarios Time for additional questions or ideas Close Outline
Regional ICVS Trainings Tuesday, April 5, Cedar Falls Registration deadline March 30 Thursday, April 14, Sioux City Registration deadline April 7 Monday, April 18, Ottumwa Registration deadline April 11 OJJDP Funding Opportunity Mentoring Opportunities for Youth Initiative Applications due May 2 OJJDP TA webinar March 15 Interest in an IMP planning call? IMP Announcements Mary Sheka, IMP Director
Kim Aboyure Senior Manager of Mentoring Services Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mississippi Valley Laura Yeats Program Director Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Iowa Kori Chamberlin Program Coordinator Big Brothers Big Sister of Northeast Iowa, Butler and Bremer Tony Leo Operations Manager and Community- Based Supervisor Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa
Ashley Denton Program Coordinator Teammates of Missouri Valley Angie Woodford Program Coordinator Teammates of Storm Lake
Mentors Who Struggle with Unconscious Bias SCENARIO 1
Mentor Acceptance of Youth’s Background SCENARIO 2
Youth with Difficult Energy Levels SCENARIO 3
Parents/guardians who struggle with non-tech communication SCENARIO 4
Youth struggling with change or loss SCENARIO 5
Match Relationship & Outcomes have Plateaued SCENARIO 6
Match Struggles with Meeting Consistently SCENARIO 7
Youth & Body Cleanliness SCENARIO 8
Match Situations Involving DHS SCENARIO 9
Match Meetings Used as Leverage for Discipline SCENARIO 10
Mentors Driving Youth to School SCENARIO 11
Additional Questions or Ideas?
Next Peer Share Call: April 14 th 2 pm Volunteer Management
Ashley Denton: Program Coordinator, Teammates of Missouri Valley Tony Leo: Community Based Program Supervisor and Operations Manager, BBBS of Central Iowa x226 Angie Woodford: Program Coordinator, Teammates of Storm Lake x1226 Laura Yeats: Program Director, BBBS of Northeast Iowa Moderator Katie Orlando: Executive Director, BBBS of Northeast Iowa Speakers Kim Aboyure: Senior Director of Mentoring Services, BBBS of the Mississippi Valley Kori Chamberlin: Program Manager, BBBS of Northeast Iowa, Butler and Bremer Counties Speaker Contact Information
Michelle Jones: IMP Marketing and Training VISTA Tatiana Christian: IMP STEM Coordinator VISTA Mary Sheka: IMP Director Chad Driscoll: ICVS Program Officer IMP Staff Contact Information