Lecture Capture The role it plays in the flipped classroom
Uses of Lecture Capture Interactivity Software such as: Google Hangout On-Air Ask 3 Panopto Echo 360 Camtasia Increased instruction Technology allows for outsourcing Archive old lectures to reuse Cross disciplinary sharing “It takes a village” concept Customized content Package material based on need Student centered and personalized Language instruction English as a second language Speed up, slow down, pause information “Kahn Do” Short 5-7 minute videos along side a more in depth lecture
Check this out! Better test scores? Could it even be possible? This is a blog discussing sections of a course being offered as face-to-face compared to it being offered as a flipped course. Results were better mid-term exam scores for the flipped sections by as much as10-11 points higher.
PEDAGOGICAL BENEFITS WAYS VIDEO CAN IMPACT TEACHING AND LEARNING Facilitate thinking and problem solving Images and sound are engaging and insightful Learners digest lecture content at their own pace Assist in achieving mastery learning Students view complex mechanical or clinical procedures repeatedly Active viewing capabilities Inspiring and engaging Student motivation Enhanced learning Higher marks Deeper learning Learner autonomy Enhanced team and communication Authentic learning Rigor from evidenced based perspective “real world”
Like Statistics? Check out this PDF: “Video Use and Higher Education: Options for the Future”
Recording Tips Live Classroom Setting Audio ◦ Be aware of the mic ◦ Face the audience when making points ◦ Repeat student questions ◦ Be aware of private conversations around the mic Use in future courses ◦ Look directly into the camera – future students will feel you are speaking to them ◦ Permissions when reusing video with student presentations Video ◦ Describe what you are pointing to, detail can be hard to see in a video ◦ Glare from lights on the board ◦ Don’t walk off of the screen ◦ Captures whatever is on the computer screen – be aware ◦ YouTube videos may be jumpy Start and end time ◦ Early start or late finish can cause loss of content
5 Tips - Deliver Better Lecture Captures Keep it short and sweet ◦ Amount of content ◦ Small chunks ◦ minutes Explain purpose of lecture capture ◦ Use to enhance lesson ◦ Not a replacement of class time ◦ Helps student review content Don’t lose interaction ◦ Hybrid approach ◦ Add chat or conferencing Be natural not perfect ◦ Concentrate on content not production ◦ Used as a tool Make adjustments ◦ Use mouse pointer instead of laser ◦ Table monitor that you can digitally write on
How can I use Video in my Class? Your Class Introduction Script Start first with developing a script for what you plan to say. A class introduction video might include the following: Introduce yourself as instructor Give a very brief outline of your background Mention the big ideas you will be working on in the class Let the student know how to get started in class Let students know when and how they can contact you Smile and show your enthusiasm for your subject Use eye contact with the camera as much as possible Keep it very short – under 5 minutes is best Make sure you are not too far away from the camera but far enough away so that part of you isn’t out of the screen. Before you start talking, take a deep breath, pause and smile – this not only will prepare you for recording but will provide a natural spot to trim off any excess video during editing. Use hand gestures if you like, but not too wildly and try to keep your body relatively still. Your Lecture Video If you are recording a video lecture for a learning unit keep these (and above) tips in mind: Keep lecture video under 10 minutes. Your experiences and stories bring life to the lesson material and to illustrate what you think is most important for students to be familiar with. Refrain from mentioning upcoming holidays or events specifically unless you plan to create new videos each semester!
Tips and Tricks for Effective Lecture Casting Test your Audio and Video Before Recording Put a Sign on Your Door Make a Choice About Tone Screwing Up Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Starting Over Lighting Have a Script Positioning Look into the Camera
Resources Capture.aspx?Page=1 lectures-with-videos-increased-test-scores/ captures/167422/ lecturecasting/22928