Strategic Marketing Plan June 14, 2011 Ledgewiew Corn Maze
1. Analysis of the market 2. Business proposition 3. Strategy and action plan 4. Budget 5. Evaluation June 14, 2011 Ledgeveiw Corn Maze
October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch Chilton, Wisconsin
June 14, 2011 Ledgeveiw Corn Maze
Interest in agri-tourism has increased over the past decade Lack of competition Ledgeview has perfect location – on busy Hwy 55 October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
Corn mazes are popular fall tour destinations for schools, families, and other orginizations Within a 40 mile radius there are over 50,000 students in their teens – a prime target market October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch CompanyStrengthsWeaknesses Corn Mazes America Well known in Wisconsin Professional maze design 120-mile drive from Chilton
October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch CompanyStrengthsWeaknesses Haunted House of Bathory Location Year round haunted activities Charity benefits No web-site Expensive
October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch CompanyStrengthsWeaknesses Local Haunted Houses LocationNo web-site Expensive
October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch CompanyStrengthsWeaknesses Ledgeview Corn Maze Location – Fox River Valley Experience operating maze Variety of activities
Key planning assumptions ◦ Agri-tourism will continue to gain in popularity ◦ Families/youth are looking for wholesome activities ◦ Schools will continue to look for cost effective field trips ◦ Children want a connection with agriculture October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
Positioning ◦ To make Ledgeview Corn Maze the destination of choice for a wholesome fall activity ◦ To make Ledgeview the first choice for fall agricultural field trips for school children in the Fox Vally ◦ Leadgeview’s will offer a wide range of activities and products to serve a diverse customer base October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
By year three Ledgeview Corn Maze will: ◦ Increase number of customers of 5,000 ◦ Increase income by 66% ◦ Increase profits by 100% October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
◦ Held every weekend in October ◦ Wide range of ‘family friendly’ activities ◦ Hire area local groups to lead many of the activities ◦ Coupons from websites or newspapers ◦ Facebook to list event and pitcures of past events ◦ Billbords on high traffic highways ◦ Brochures/flyers to list events to be distributed at different locations ◦ Clothing to promote Ledgeview Corn Maze October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
Pick you own Pumpkins Animal display Wisconsin farm produce for sale Pumpkin carving demonstrations Pumpkin carving kits Pumpkin pie sales Night time Pumpkin walk Milk the cow Farmer’s Market Bale maze Pumpkin floral arrangements Pumpkin seed spitting contest Pumpkin painting Pumpkin catapult Apple product for sale Scarecrow stuffing for kids Pictures with a Pumpkin Pumpkin products Pony rides October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
School field trips ◦ Target early grade school students in Fox Valley, especially Calumet County ◦ Educational activities that teachers can use in their curriculum ◦ Team building activities October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
Brochure ◦ Distributed to schools ◦ Available at public libraries ◦ Available through agri-tourism promotions and the Calumet County tourism office ◦ Available online October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
Web Page ◦ Anytime access ◦ Very cost effective ◦ Coupons October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
Coupons ◦ Give to kids visiting through a school trip ◦ Area youth groups ◦ Make available at Calumet County Fair exhibit October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
Clothing Promotional items like pens, magnets etc. October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
Advertising ◦ Newspapers ◦ Radio ◦ Billboards. October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch Year 1 Visitors3,000 Gross Income $24,500 Fixed Costs$2,400 Variable Costs$6,300 Marketing Costs$4,800 Total Costs$13,500 Net Profit$11,000
October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch Year 1Year 2 Visitors3,0004,000 Gross Income $24,500$32,600 Fixed Costs$2,400 Variable Costs$6,300$8,300 Marketing Costs$4,800$6,650 Total Costs$13,500$17,350 Net Profit$11,000$15,250
October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch Year 1Year 2Year 3 Visitors3,0004,0005,000 Gross Income $24,500$32,600$40,900 Fixed Costs$2,400 Variable Costs$6,300$8,300$10,300 Marketing Costs$4,800$6,650$7,800 Total Costs$13,500$17,350$20,500 Net Profit$11,000$15,250$20,400
Weekly and seasonal analysis of financial promotional forecasts will be done Compare actual income with projections If sales are lagging adjustments will be made in promotions Have survey cards available for customers to complete while at Ledgeview October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch
Strategic Marketing Plan October 23, 2008 Polly's Punkin Patch