The Role of Metrology in Quality Infrastructure and PTB’s Technical Cooperation Programme in Eastern Europe ISO Regional Workshop on Conformity Assessment June June 2008 Kiev, Ukraine Project Coordinator, International Technical Cooperation Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig und Berlin Martin Scheiber
P B T Historical Retrospective n Signing of the Meter Convention in Paris (17 countries) n Aim: To secure international agreement and to improve the metric system n Basis for today's International System of Units (SI) (1960) n SI: Important "milestone" towards the removal of barriers to trade and towards a Global Measurement System n However: Still today the SI is not yet fully implemented in all member countries of the Meter Convention 1875
P B T Historical Retrospective n TBT Agreement by the World Trade Organisation (WTO): Removal of non-Tariff Barriers to Trade n Most important impulse towards the realisation of a Global Market n Prerequisite for a Global Market: the realisation of a Global Measurement System 1995
P B T What is a Global Measurement System? Elements of a Global Measurement System and contributions of the relevant International Organisations WTO Global Meas. System ISO/IEC/ OIML CIPMILAC/IAF Harmonised legal regulations Harmonised standards Competence of Laboratories and Certification Bodies Traceability to the SI
P B T The Base units of the International System of Units (SI)
P B T Key role of measurements Accurate measurements play a key role in industrial production What can not be measured can not be manufactured The globalisation of production of highly complex goods has significantly increased the demand for reliable and accurate measurements This is reflected by quality management systems which require the traceability of shop floor measurements back to the SI.
P B T Benefits of Metrology to the Economy n reduced disputation and transaction costs n consumer protection n effective stock control n control of fraud n full collection of government excise and taxes based on measurement n full national benefit for commodity exports n support of global trade in measuring instruments
Accreditation ISO Guide 62, 65, etc IAF ILAC ISO Standardization ISO CODEX Testing Laboratories Intercomparisons Proficiency tests Metrology BIPM trazeability - Calibration Laboratories - Metrology in Chemistry Certification Certificate - products - processes National MSTQ - System Customer Product with Certificate Value chains ISO 9000, ISO 14000, HACCP, etc Product Certification, CE, GS, etc National Standards International Standards Calibration of Equipment Testing, Analysis Investigation Reference Materials International System National Quality System P B T
Metrology and Calibration P B T
T Mutual Agreements and Internat. Organisations Metre Convention (CIPM) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) 2007, 45 NMIs, 2 international organisations certificates of NMIs International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) 2007, 58 accreditation bodies from 46 economies Test reports, calibration certificates International Organisation of Legal Metrology (OIML) Mutual Acceptance Arrangement (MAA), since 2005 certificate system related to OIML type evaluations
P B T CIPM-MRA of 14. October 1999 Signatories from Eastern Europe: Albania Albania Belarus Belarus Bulgaria Bulgaria Croatia Croatia Czech Republic Czech Republic Estonia Estonia Hungary Hungary Latvia Latvia Lithuania Lithuania FYR of Macedonia FYR of Macedonia Moldova Moldova Poland Poland Romania Romania Russian Federation Russian Federation Serbia Serbia Slovakia Slovakia Slovenia Slovenia Ukraine Ukraine
P B T CIPM-MRA Objectives equivalence of national measurement standards mutual recognition of metrological certificates solid metrological base for further agreements Processes participation in key comparisons and supplementary regional or bilateral comparisons publication of the results of the comparisons including an uncertainty budgets according to GUM operation of a quality management system
P B T CIPM-MRA Calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs): after review by TC of RMO sent to JCRB from JCRB to other RMOs for review JCRB enters CMCs into key comparison data base (KCDB) Data bank entries contain: measurand measuring range measurement uncertainty (95% confidence limit) JCRB: joint committee of RMO and BIPM CMC: calibration measurement capabilities KCDB: key comparison data base
P B T Metrological hierarchy and mutual recognition agreements accredited calibration laboratories NMI accredited calibration laboratories accredited testing laboratories Equivalence of national measurement standards CIPM MRA calibration certificates ILAC MRA test reports Country ACountry B
P B T Assuring traceability world-wide through key comparisons
P B T Conclusions n Metrology indispensable for measurement traceability in QI-setup n International mutual acceptance achieved via recognition arrangements n Calibration Laboratories achieve recognition via accreditation
INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL COOPERATION „First we take measurements, then we take measures“
The mandate of PTB`s International Cooperation has been active worldwide in developing countries since 40 years International Technical Cooperation orients itself on the requirements of the partner countries within the framework of a globalised world International Technical Cooperation
Partner Countries must adapt their national quality infrastructure system to international agreements in order to be able to participate in international trade Partner Countries have to safeguard consumer, environment and health protection The mandate of PTB`s International Cooperation Partner Countries must enable a fair exchange of goods
The approach PTB ITC project work encompasses all elements of quality infrastructure. Quality Infrastructure is considered to be a systemic unit. Standards Metrology Testing & Inspection Certification Accreditation Awareness & Networking
PTB’s Technical Cooperation Programme – Cooperation with transformation countries Challenge breaking up of the centralized structures in the economy and society remaining from a planned economy and transformation towards democracy and market economy Aim Countries must set up functioning market economies and integrate themselves into the world markets. Therefore it is necessary to newly distribute the different tasks in the QI-system Background Transformation countries can look back at a long tradition in QI. In communist times they had a closed institutional system of quality control tailored to planned economies
Target Groups Intervention Levels Policy Level International / Regional Organizations Policy / Decision Makers Macro Institutional Level QI Institutions Business Service Providers SME Promotion Agencies Export Promotion Agencies Etc. Meso Customer Level (Target Group Level) Producers / Suppliers (local market and export) Consumers / Buyers Micro
Our Regions 1. The new EU states 2. South-eastern Europe 3. The Commonwealth of Independent States
Our Projects Bilateral: Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine Regional: Central and Eastern Europe, South-East Europe, Central Asia EU: Ukraine (Twinning), Ukraine, Azerbaijan Worldbank: Kyrgyz Republic, Study: Assessment of Europe and Central Asia’s National Quality Infrastructure
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