Overview Introduction Sector Objectives Planned Water Infrastructure Projects Conclusion Overview
Introduction. MEWNR mandate – protection, conservation and development of environment, water and natural resources for sustainable development Overall Goal – attain a “clean, secure and sustainable environment” by 2030.
Introduction contd… MEWNR departments:- Environment and Natural Resources - conserve, protect environment and natural resources for sustainable development Water - improve the availability of water in the country. This is done by water catchments conservation, increase water storage capacity, pollution control and strengthening of water resource monitoring
Introduction contd… The MEWNR mandates cover the following areas: Environment protection and management Re-afforestation and agro-forestry Restoration of strategic water towers Integrated Regional Development Meteorological services Water Quality and Pollution Control Management of Water Resources and provision of Water and Sanitation Services Wildlife conservation and protection
Investment Framework Water Sector Strategic Plan(WSSP) Water Sector Investment Programme – under review 6 regional Investment Plans 5 regional data and information centres National Water Service s Strategic Plan.(NWSS) Water Sector Sanitation concept Note Pro-Poor implementation Plan(PPIP)
Status of the Water Sector Demand
Only informed planning will result in closing the access gap
Water Sector Financing Over the past 8yrs sector’s investment budget increased over 5 times due to reforms
Required versus planned investment by sub-sectors Date Required versus planned investment by sub-sectors Rural water Urban water Rural sanitation Urban sanitation Recurrent expenditure on environmental health officers but no development budget Deficit in rural water supply spending One-off long-term investments for Nairobi and Mombasa Mainly investment in sewerage
Planned Water Infrastructure Projects Scope Estimated cost Ksh. ‘ million Ruiru II dam Dam, distribution system, treatment Plant 70,000m3/day - Nairobi 8,700 Maragua Dam 110,000m3/day – Nairobi, Muranga 23,000 Thika WP Intake, Treatment Plant & distribution system – Thika, Githunguri 2,300 Kipkaren WP Treatment Plant, Storage Facilities, distribution System – Nandi, Uashin Gishu 560 Vihiga cluster Expansion of Mbale, Maseno, Kaimosi 1,600 Thwake Dam Dam, intake structures, Hydro –plant, treatment& distribution system 30,000
…… Planned Water Infrastructure Projects Scope Estimated cost Ksh. ‘ million Mwache dam Dam, distribution system, treatment Plant 186,000m3/day – Mombasa, Kwale 22,000 Mzima II Intake works, distribution system, treatment Plant- 63,000m3/day – Mombasa 40,000 Garsen Barrage Dam, Intake, Treatment Plant & distribution system – 130,000 m3/day Lamu, Tana River 12,000 Meru bulk WP Treatment Plant, Storage Facilities, distribution System – 120,000 m3/day -Meru, Nithi 5,300 Lessos Dam Dam, Intake, Treatment Plant & distribution system – 4,000 m3/day - Bomet 250
….. Planned Water Infrastructure Projects Scope Estimated cost Ksh. ‘ million Isiolo dam Dam, distribution system, treatment Plant 20,000m3/day - Isiolo 1,500 Wajir WP Source development , distribution system, treatment Plant -2,000m3/day – Wajir 1,700 Itare Dam Dam, Intake, Treatment Plant & distribution system – 100,000m3/day Nakuru 35,000 Narok WP Treatment Plant, Storage Facilities, distribution System – Narok Kiserian Sewerage Construction of new sewerage systems - Kajiado 1,270
Water Projects…… Assessment of the ground water potential will commence in 10 counties with the enhancement of the National Ground Water Mapping 481 boreholes will be developed to enhance water availability and accessibility Provision of water storage facilities in 5000 schools per year
Examples of Ongoing and completed projects
Full Chemususu Dam storing 11.5 million m3 of water. Storage Dams… Full Chemususu Dam storing 11.5 million m3 of water.
Storage Infrastructure Full Kiserian Dam is storing 1.2 million m3 of water.
Rahole Canal – Garrisa County Excavator at work Excavated canal
Kiserian Dam: A sample of penstock ready for fixing. Chemusus Dam Base steel and formwork for culvert no 9
Chemususu Dam The Dam during construction (2010) Excavator at work The Dam on completion(2012)
Nyeri Water Treatment Plant Concrete works progress in the spill weir Nyeri Water Treatment Plant
Kiserian Dam
Conclusion Investment Environment is conducive for collaborative mechanism to develop the water sector in Kenya Water Sector has planned projects as per the investment Programme Stakeholders need to engage further for investment – this forum is but a beginning
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