Warm -up Copy HW Please take out your Code of Chivalry Tell the person next to you what the term chivalry means.
Essential Questions What happens when societies are faced with adversity? How do societies stabilize in the face of adversity?
Code of Chivalry
Vocabulary Chivalry-religious, social and moral ideals Constitute-establish or reform Recoil-spring or comeback Infidel-not accepting certain religious faiths Cessation-temporary or complete stopping Scrupulously-carefully Champion-support or defend it Injustice-not fair Contrary-opposite
The Knight 1. Horse back 2. Chainmail 3. Hanging cloth ( artwork) 4. The noble he served or wining tournaments 5. Knights were expected to be loyal to the Church and their lord, be just and fair, and protect the helpless 6. Not Exactly- based on similar Kings of the time period 7. Crossbow and longbow Religious wars between the Christians and Muslims 10. Inventions, religions, language, castle building, food, math 11. jousting, sword fighting… events between knights they could win money or take the armor of other knights 12. The symbolism representing each Knight (like a family crest) 13. gunpowder, standing armies, cost