Week 32 8 th Grade Language Arts Big Idea: What information do we need in order to make an educated decision and where can we find that information?
Monday: 04/13/2015 Data Director Benchmark # 3
Big Idea: What information do we need in order to make an educated decision and where can we find that information?
Tuesday: 04/14/2015 Today you will be taking a Keirsey Temperament sorter. This sorter is meant to provide insight into what career type you may want to look for. Follow directions carefully in order to complete the assignment. You will need: 1.Laptop 2.Sheet of Paper titled: Keirsey Temperment Sorter 3.Pen or Pencil About KTS II Take KTS II This is a 70 question multiple choice test. Do not spend too much time on any one question. Go with your initial response. If you do not know a word, look it up.
After you have completed the test, Input the required information: Name, , password On you own paper, answer the following questions in complete sentences, restating the question: 1.What was your temperament? Provide a summary of the temperament in your own words. 2.What four core characteristics do all members of your temperament share? Do you feel that this accurately describes you? 3.Go back to the main Keirsey website. Go to “About Keirsey” then “Temperament and Careers.” Select “Finding Your Passion: What Makes A Job Right For You?” Select your temperament type and read the article. Summarize what type of jobs would be an appropriate fit for your temperament type.
Wednesday: 04/15/2015 Cacareerzone.org
Thursday: 04/16/2015 “What Future Jobs Will Look Like”
Friday: 04/17/2015 Career Day!!!