Preliminary Design Review Clear Lake High School Team Rocket
Initial vehicle dimensions, materials and justifications Nose cone Public Missiles - PNC Plastic nose cone, Material: Polystyrene PS – Nose shape: Hollow Ogive, Len: In., Dia: In. Wall thickness: In. Body Tube: Public Missiles Ltd. - PT Airframe tube, Material: Kraft phenolic – OD: In., ID: In. – Three Total with lengths of 16”, 28”, and 24” – 1” body tubes will be glued to the center of each coupler to serve as placeholders. Bulkhead Public Missiles - BP Was BP-06, Material: Birch (four, two surrounding each coupler section) Tube coupler: Public Missiles Ltd. - CT Coupler: tube, Material: Kraft phenolic – OD: In, Len: In. – One for each electronics bay (payload and recovery) Body Tube: Public Missiles Ltd. - PT Airframe tube, Material: Kraft phenolic – OD: In., ID: In., Len: In. Fin set: Public Missiles - FIN-C-09 - Fins, Material: G10 fiberglass – Planform: trapezoidal, Root chord: In., Tip chord: In., Semi-span: In., Sweep: In., Mid-Chord: In. Misc: Location: In. From the base of Body Tube: Thickness: In. Profile: square Centering ring Public Missiles - CR Was PML CR-14, Material: Aircraft plywood (Birch) – OD: In., ID: In., Len: In. – Three surrounding motor mount tube Motor Mount Tube: Public Missiles Ltd. - PT Airframe tube, Material: Kraft phenolic – OD: In., ID: In., Len: In. Boat Tail: Public Missiles - TC Transition (or tailcone) from 3.9 to 3.0, Material: Urethane – Solid transition: Fwd. Dia: In., Len: In., Rear Dia: In. Font body insert: Len: In., OD: In., Rear body insert: Len: In., OD: In.
Initial Motor Selection and Justification We chose the K485 motor because we believed that the power from the motor, even though it burned for a smaller length of time, would be enough to allow the team to collect enough data from the payload. This was revised to a K185 because the team believes that a longer burn time will allow for more data collection, increasing the chances for a good data set.
Plan for Vehicle Safety Verification We verify the vehicle safety through simulations affirming that the center of pressure is below the center of gravity on the rocket. The RSO will check the rocket before launch to verify safety checks.
Baseline Payload Design The payload will be constructed in such a way that all mission critical hardware and equipment used in the experiment will be contained within a dedicated upper section of the rocket. This design provides easy access to said hardware and equipment, and therefore simplifies troubleshooting and any revisions, modifications, reconfigurations, and repairs needed to the payload.
Plan for Payload Safety Verification The payload’s internal components will be protected from thermal extremes by a thermally insulating material (or materials) and from stresses caused by G-force and shock by being seated in a shock reducing configuration.
Baseline Recovery System Design Recovery Subsystem – Main Parachute: Public Missiles - PAR-96R - 96 in. nylon, Material: Rip stop nylon – Shape: Round Dia: In., Spill hole: In. Drogue Parachute: Public Missiles - PAR-18R - 18 in. nylon; drogue only, Material: Rip stop nylon – Shape: 8 sided Dia: In., Spill hole: In. Altimeters- MiniAlt/WD, RRC2 Ejection Charges- Four low current electric matches Shock Chord : Kevlar, 30’ for each parachute
Plan for Recovery System Safety Verification The parachutes will be carefully folded and will be placed a great distance from the motor to prevent burns. The RSO will check the parachutes to make sure they are easily removable and will not tangle when opening mid-flight.
Thrust to Weight Ratio – The T:R ratio is 3.144, or 185:58.8 – The max T:R ratio is 5.948, or 350:58.8 Static Stability Margin – The static stability margin is 3.66