What was life like in the 90’s (when I was your age!) Laptops looked like this (And cost even more!) Computers looked like this (and cost about £1500 for a cheap one!) Phones looked like this (and were so expensive no-one had one) Games and Games Consoles looked like this
Imagine your life without the following things: No Snapchat No Facebook No Online Gaming No texting These things were a dream! Smart phones Smart TV’s 50” SCREENS! NO INTERNET!!!!
Now take it back 200 years! Ada Lovelace was one of the first computer scientists and the first computer programmer …and a girl! (1800’s Britain, this was significant) She worked with a guy called “Charles Babbage” and came up with the programs for the worlds first computer Ada is a mathematician and a legend, her nickname was Ada The Enchantress of Numbers. A time before household electricity supplies, telephones and computers. This was the time of Ada Lovelace, yet she is the first 'computer programmer'! What might fascinate Ada Lovelace about twenty-first century computing and technology?
The competition Teenage girls with an interest in computing are invited to enter a competition to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ada Lovelace, generally regarded as the first computer programmer. The competition, run by TNMOC and the University of Oxford in conjunction with cs4fn at Queen Mary University of London, is asking girls what they would like to communicate to Ada Lovelace cs4fn Show or tell with any medium what you think Ada Lovelace would be especially interested in about 21st century technology. Show or tell with any medium from the list below what you think Ada Lovelace would be especially interested in about twenty-first century technology. Entries may be in the form of letters, presentations, dramatized conversations or interactions – anything so long as the focus is communicating to Ada about twenty-first century technology.
What could you do? The following formats will be accepted: a letter (500 words maximum) - to be scanned, so all entries are electronic an (500 words maximum) blogpost (500 words maximum) social media text (500 words max) (Not available in the under-13s age category.) a video (3 minutes maximum) graphic (up to A3 in size) photos or images on any software platform (maximum 25 photos). The competition is open to females in three age categories: under
How to enter The closing date is: 13 October your entry to: The English, Media and Art departments are all aware of this and they can aid you in your entry. See the posters around school