HMY 2012 Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron President, OUI INTER-REGIONAL SEMINAR ON: Economic Issues of Intellectual Property Rights Sept. 11, 2012 Industry-Academy Cooperation
HMY 2012 Universities as “Intellectual and Economic Engines” : Calls for Academia-Industry Partnership
HMY 2012 University vs. Industry- Contrasting Cultures: University Social responsibilities Basic, curiosity driven research Create new knowledge Freedom of research Publications & collaborations Sharing of material Open, global community and sharing of research results Corporate Shareholders responsibilities Applied research Develop new products Specific objectives, product focused Ownership and secrecy Control of material Aiming to global market
HMY 2012 The Death Valley Academia Science "Valley Death" Products Industry
HMY 2012 Bridging over the “Death Valley” – WHY? Better exploitation of knowledge to the benefit of the public (e.g., new drugs, environmental technologies, alternative energy). A natural source of innovation. To foster knowledge-based economy; direct contribution to short term growth. “Fair” and efficient use of public support.
HMY 2012 Bridging over the “Death Valley” – HOW? Modern relations between universities and industries : New venture formation/Spin-offs R&D agreements Licensing deals Traditional: Teaching and students practice Individual entrepreneurship
HMY 2012 Industry, university, government industry university knowledge money Researchers (people!), Faculties, Administration, etc. Entrepreneurs VCs Productions Marketing Management Stocks holders etc. Technology/knowledgeTransfer Government
HMY 2012 The Role of Governments 1. Financial support for academic, basic research. Public support is essential for academic freedom. 2. Intervention programs for “bridging the gap”. 3. Legal infrastructure: intellectual property rights (IPR) laws, Taxations, innovation law, etc. IPR
HMY 2012 The case of ISRAEL ISRAEL is an R&D state - the expenditure on civilian research and development (R&D) as a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP) is the highest in the world: Source: ISRAEL CBS
HMY 2012 Israel: Recent Nobel Laureates Dan Shechtman,Chemistry, Technion Ada E. Yonath, Chemistry, Wiezmann Inst. Ada E. Yonath Robert Aumann, Economics, HUJI Robert Aumann Aaron Ciechanover, Chemistry, Technion Aaron Ciechanover Avram Hershko, Chemistry, Technion Avram Hershko Daniel Kahneman, Economics, HUJI Daniel Kahneman
HMY 2012 Lessons from IL experience – How to maintain top level Science AND successful High-Tech Industry?
HMY 2012 Higher Education in Israel - Expanding system 1989/90: 21 HEI (8 universities + 13 colleagues), 88,800 students. 2010/11: 67 HEI, (8 universities + 36 academic colleagues, 23 pedagogical colleagues) 297,800 students. All HEIs are independent legal entities; All but NBC are heavily supported by the government.
HMY 2012 The 7+1 universities: The TechnionThe Technion The Hebrew University in JerusalemThe Hebrew University in Jerusalem Tel Aviv UniversityTel Aviv University Bar Ilan UniversityBar Ilan University Ben Gurion University in the NegevBen Gurion University in the Negev Haifa UniversityHaifa University The Weizmann InstituteThe Weizmann Institute The Open UniversityThe Open University
HMY 2012 University vs. Colleague Teaching: Undergrad Teaching & research: Faculty, Graduate students Research: Grants, TT, Facilities, Research Inst. PRO HEI
HMY 2012 Characteristics of TT in Israel: Government’s involvement mainly by intervention programs. Each university decides on its own policy and regulations independently. However, they share common principles. Each university has its own TTC. TTCs are for-profit companies, own by the universities. TTCs are handling universities IP and are responsible for commercialization, following the university’s policy.
HMY 2012 Weizmann InstituteYeda1959 Hebrew UniversityYissum1964 Tel Aviv UniversityRamot1973. New initiative – national TTC – 2013??? TTCs in Israel
HMY 2012 IP legislation (and more) in Israel The patent law (1967) defines “service invention” as one which has been invented by an employee as a result of his/her service to the employer. The law doesn’t cover many aspects of academic life, as: students, visitors, sabbaticals, retired stuff, etc. Thus, universities had to regulate it internally. No legislation industrial R&D projects done in universities. It is up to the parties to agree on the conditions. In general, government doesn’t claim ownership of publicly sponsored research.
HMY 2012
The rules – main common principles: Researchers must disclose to the university any research of commercial potential. Universities own the IP of “institute inventions” (service invention). Institute inventions are discoveries of employees and others, related to the university. Institute inventions are commercialized solely by the TTC. Commercialization revenues are shared by the inventors (40- 50%) and the university. If the TTC chooses not to file for patent, the inventors can do it at their own expense.
HMY 2012 Tech. Transfer Company (TTC) mission Identify research results with commercial potential. Actively seek interested commercial entities and sign licensing agreements or establish spin-off companies. Collect royalties. File for patents and other propriety rights.
HMY 2012 Different Institutional TT strategies, all managed by the TTC Research and development agreements Licensing deals New venture formation / Spin-offs
HMY 2012 Institutional TT (1) Academia Science "Valley Death" Products Industry R&D agreements
HMY 2012 Institutional TT (2) Academia Science "Valley Death" Products Industry Licensing deals
HMY 2012 Institutional TT (3) Academia Science "Valley Death" Products Industry Spin offs
HMY 2012 The technology transfer process at TAU Revenues IDF Discovery & Innovation Evaluation Patenting & Marketing Strategy Business Development Follow Up on Contract Academic Basic and Applied Research “Bridging the Gap”Sponsored Research publications To inventors
HMY 2012 Example: the Weizmann Inst. Responsible technology transfer*
HMY 2012 Example (cont): the Weizmann Institute - Policy
HMY 2012
Lipimix | Tubilux Lipimix | Tubilux Exelon ® | Novartis Exelon ® | Novartis Doxil ® | J&J Doxil ® | J&J Cherry Tomatoes | BonTom Cherry Tomatoes | BonTom Periochip | Dexcel Periochip | Dexcel Selected TT Success Stories: Yeda, Yissum & Ramot (2009) QuantomiX TM | QX Capsule QuantomiX TM | QX Capsule Copaxone ® | Teva Copaxone ® | Teva Rebif ® | Merck Serono Rebif ® | Merck Serono Encryption Algorithm | NDS Encryption Algorithm | NDS GeneCards TM | XenneX GeneCards TM | XenneX NanoLub TM | Nanomaterials NanoLub TM | Nanomaterials Dunaliella | Nikken Sohonsha Dunaliella | Nikken Sohonsha Erbitux TM | ImClone Erbitux TM | ImClone Total sale of Weizmann based products €6 Bilion/year
HMY 2012 Univ. of California system297 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft182 CNRS146 MIT131 Univ. of Texas 96 California Inst. Tech. 84 Johns Hopkins 76 Univ. of Michigan 74 Columbia Univ. 68 Riken 67 Univ. of Florida 67 Hebrew Univ. 56 Weizmann Institute 54 Stanford 54 Academic institutions with more than 50 PCTs/year (2004)
HMY 2012 Licensing Income Survey 2006 top 10 Universities * #Institution Licensing Income ($M) 1Univ. of California System193 2NYU157 3Stanford Univ.61 4Wake Forest Univ.60 5Univ. of Minnesota56 6MIT43 7Univ. of Florida42 8Univ. of Rochester38 9Northwestern Univ.29 10Harvard Univ.20 * Source: AUTM Licensing Survey 2006 Licensing Income of top 10 US universities
HMY 2012 Government’s involvement in university-industry relations Under the responsibility of the office of the Chief Scientist at the ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor (OCS). Different intervention programs for university- LOCAL industry collaboration. Restrictions on internationalization of knowledge created under these programs.
HMY 2012 Thank You! Thank You!