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Before we start: Please don’t take my speech during these lessons as a model of good pronunciation! I’m deliberately speaking more slowly than my normal speed, so that you can understand me more easily.
English Pronunciation Practice Let’s Write English How We Speak It! Material for this lesson: English Pronunciation Method - Instructions English Pronunciation Method - Practice Page Talk a Lot Handbook (Free Download) html?tag=mncol
Main Principles: English spelling is broken. It’s supposed to represent sounds, but it doesn’t. When I write words I hear them in my head. What I hear is different from what I have to write. Why does it have to be? Spelling impedes communication. We write word by word, but we speak syllable by syllable. We use vowel to consonant (vc) sound connections between syllables. Friendly consonant sounds: n, m, ng The old phonetic alphabet cannot be typed on a keyboard. The new phonetic alphabet shows: individual syllables | stressed syllables | schwas | glottal stops Each sound has one character or cluster, which always looks the same, e.g. /{/ of “bag” is represented by “a”. Learn about how English native speakers actually speak. Practise listening skills. You hear the authentic voice of the writer as you read their text.
thi Sbloo Wai_ Bei bii Luu Ksung grii!
This blue-eyed baby looks hungry!
ai Dlu vt bii r La ksing on thi speech!
I’d love to be relaxing on this beach!
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