Self-Check Quiz on Ratios 1.Open the Brownie Points app on the iPad. 2.Find your name and click on it. 3.Next to your name on the right is a drop down box. Click on it. 4.Choose standard 6.RP.A.3 5.Practice that standard. Use the slate if you need to work out the problems. The students will review ratio and rate problems with the iPads using the Brownie Points app. This task uses: Ipad Brownie Points Learning Objective(s): The student will review ratio and rate problems. S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
Ratio and Rate Review 1.Open the internet on the computer and go to 2.Enter your username and password. 3.Click on your textbook. 4.Click on Checkmark. 5.From the drop-down menu, choose Chapter 1, Lesson 7. 6.Click on Check. 7.Click on Self-Check Quiz. 8.The quiz will open in a new tab. Answer the 5 questions in the quiz and then click Check it. 9. the results to me at The students will take the self-check quiz using the online Glencoe tools. Follow the directions bellow. This task uses: Computer or iPad Glencoe online book Learning Objective(s): The student will review ratio and rate problems and the results to the teacher. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
Rate Discussions 1.Scan the QR code using the iPad to join your peers for a meeting. 2.Answer the proposed question in solving the real-world problem presented. Discuss the relevant information that is needed to solve the problem and a problem-solving strategy using TodaysMeet. Once the group is in agreement, one student needs to present the solution. The students should be having conversations about the problem. 3.The teacher will project the groups work and have a class discussion on the appropriate math conversations as well as the problem solving steps. The students will have conversations in small groups to discuss how to find equivalent ratios. The students may question their peers, add to the conversation, and critique the work of their peers. This task uses: iPad TodaysMeet Learning Objective(s): The student will use ToadysMeet to discuss and create equivalent ratios. M MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable
Solving Real-World Unit Rate Problems 1.Using the iPad open the ShowMe app. 2.Use the shopping list to create a breakdown of how much each item will cost using the sale paper. 3.Show all steps and record you work and your oral explanation to teach a peer how to create a detailed shopping list with the total price of the shopping trip. 4.Save the video. The students will give step-by-step directions to create a shopping list with the total cost when give a sale paper. This task uses: Ipad ShowMe app Sale paper Learning Objective(s): The students will use the ShowMe app to create a math tutorial video. R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology The students will give step-by-step directions to create a shopping list with the total cost when give a sale paper. The students will use the ShowMe app to create a math tutorial video. Ipad ShowMe app Sale paper The students will have conversations in small groups to discuss how to find equivalent ratios. The students may question their peers, add to the conversation, and critique the work of their peers. The student will use ToadysMeet to discuss and create equivalent ratios. iPad TodaysMeet The students will take the self-check quiz using the online Glencoe tools. The student will review ratio and rate problems and the results to the teacher. Computer or iPad Glencoe online book The students will review ratio and rate problems with the iPads using the Brownie Points app. The student will review ratio and rate problems Ipad Brownie Points Louisiana Math Standard (include description): Teacher: MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement