ELA and Math Taught in Morning Morning Snack Science/Social Studies alternated in the afternoon Lunch 12:40 Recess Afternoon 4 th Grade Chorus end of day
Planners (form of communication for homework and grades) Grades – assignments counted once, quizzes counted 2x, tests and writing assignments counted 3x each All grades are recorded in the planner. Planners need to be signed every evening (signature on a piece of paper will not be allowed)
Type into the web browserwww.wappingersschools.org Look at the tabs on the top of the page, click on schools, and then Kinry Road Elementary Then go to the same tabs on the top of the page and choose teachers. Find my name and click on it. This will bring you to my website. Then click on Homework Tab on the left side of page.
All homework assignments are expected to be handed in on assigned date. If it is late, students have until the next day to hand in their work.
Every week students are responsible for reading 20 minutes each night – Monday – Thursday. If students read but do not have a parent signature, the reading log will not be accepted.
Please keep snacks simple and healthy. Students will have the opportunity each day to have snack time. Most of the time it will be a working snack because our schedule is so tight. Please don’t send in any snacks that are messy.
NYS test April 22 – 24 Acuity Test in Sept. and May or June (used to measure growth over time) Core Curriculum Morning Math is a part of their grade. If it is not handed in, they receive a zero. Important for students to know math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
Place Value to the millions Extension of all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) Time Measurement – Metric and Standard including unit conversions Geometry Equivalent Fractions Ordering and Operations
Decimals Word problems involving all four operations including multiple steps Morning Math is a daily practice that helps them to be continuously exposed to covered objectives and computation.
Units: Mrs. Smith › Unit 1 – Science Behaviors, the scientific method, and measurement › Unit 2 – Life Science- food chains, food webs, digestion, energy & nutrients › Unit 3 – Physical Science – Simple Machines › Unit 4 – Geology - Organization of the Earth, Rocks and Minerals
Performance Test May 20 – May 29 (window) Written Test, 6/1
Taught by Mrs. Evert Map Skills Explorers Colonial Times Revolutionary War Industrial Revolution Immigration Government
Reader’s Workshop model adopted by district Consists of mini-lesson, student sharing, and conferences - individual or group w/ teacher while other students read and practice strategy Writing assignments (Narrative, Opinion/Persuasive,, Informational) Acuity Test in Sept. and June – used to measure growth over time ELA State Test April 14 – April 16 Grammar Importance of Independent Reading and reading together with parents as well.
What is “Integrated Co- Teaching”? Handout Scholastic Book Orders – Please do not send cash in – checks made payable to Scholastic Book Club Our s are: g g or