[ 기출 ] 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? We all have excuses as to [why we can't do something]. 변명 =about Ask anyone and they can give you a million excuses (why it can't be done,/ why they haven't moved ~ 에 대한 변명 ( 관계부사 why) forward on their goals,/ and on and on). 앞으로 =continuously Making up excuses takes a lot of energy and time. =inventing excuses( 핑계를 꾸며내기 ) Since we seem to enjoy making up excuses, I have a great idea. =appear to~ 1) 명령문, and ~ (… 해라 그러면 ~ 할 것이다 ) If you ask anyone, they can give ~ 2) 명령문, or ~ (… 해라 그렇지 않으면 ~ 할 것이다 ) Wear your coat, or you’ll catch the cold. If you don’t wear your coat, you’ll catch ~. Unless you wear your coat, you’ll catch
Let's make up __________ excuses. Instead of coming up with all kinds of excuses 생각해내다 (why it won't work), let's focus on [why it can work]. ~ 하는 변명 [ 형용사절 ] 왜 ~ 한 지 [ 명사절 ] Excuses like: =Excuses such as ~ ( : ~ 같은 변명 ) "There is no time like the present. I am old enough. I am just the person (to do the job). = right ( 바로 ) I know all the ways (it can work).“ Actually, there are an unlimited number of excuses =in fact 무한한 as to [why you can].
[ 기출 ] 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ① timely ( 適時의, 적절한 시기의 ) ② honest ③ positive =affirmative ( 긍정적인 ) ④ responsible ( 책임감 있는 ) ⑤ personal ( 개인적인 ) √
Mother Squirrel
문제 1 번 A teacher (guiding students) was attacked by a(n) _________ squirrel. 안내하는 다람쥐 공격하다 The teacher spotted some squirrels 발견하다 as she ushered her students (through a campus tour). =when 문지기 안내하다 She noticed the young squirrels were not in their nest =spot, find and a crow was eyeing one 까마귀 =watching a young squirrel (that appeared to have been left behind). 뒤에 남겨졌었던 [ 완료 부정사 : 주절보다 과거 ]
The teacher first tried to shoo the crow away from the squirrels 쉬하고 쫓아내다 and then to draw the mother's attention to the danger. The mother squirrel (instead) turned on the teacher. ~ 에게 돌아서다 공격하다 A witness said [the teacher fell/ while running back to 목격자, 증인 the bus/ to get away from the angry squirrel.] The animal bit her ankle, but the teacher was able to 물었다 (bite-bit-bitten) 발목 get up and escape. 피하다
1. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ① ungrateful =unappreciative, unthankful( 은혜를 모르는 ) ② wounded =hurt, injured( 부상을 당한 ) ③ lost 길을 잃은 ④ unsuspecting =unsuspicious, credulous ( 의심이 없는 ) ⑤ tamed ( 길들여진 ) √
Deadline & Sense of Urgency
문제 2 번 The only way (to overcome procrastination) is =get over 지연, ( 일의 ) 미루기 [to provide yourself with a sense of urgency]. 긴급함 Work expands to fill the time (available for its completion). 완성 확장되다 Thus, if you must have a particular task (due at 3:00 p.m. today), 업무 ~ 기한인 it is usually done by 3:00 p.m. ~ 까지, 쯤에 However, (if for the same task you are given until the end of the month), it will usually take until the end of the month. 시간이 걸리다
When you think in terms of task/ rather than time limit, ~ 보다 =time due perfectionism sets in. 완벽주의 시작되다 (=begin) You always do a little bit more, another graph or table. =a little 그래프 도표 You persuade yourself into thinking these add up to ... 를 설득하여 ~ 하게 하다 더하여 ~ 가 되다 excellence. Thus set a _______ (for every task) and stick to it 설정하라 =cling to~ (~ 에 집착하라 ) in order to generate a sense of crisis. 생성하다 위기감 term: (1) 용어, (2) 관계, (3) 관점 in terms of: (1) ~ 에 의하여 [ 수단 ] (2) ~ 와 관련하여 [ 연관 ] (3) ~ 의 관점에서 [ 관점 ] that
2. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ① reminder 상기시켜주는 것 ② deadline 마감 시한 ③ priority 우선권 ④ record 기록 ⑤ standard 기준, 표준 √
문제 3 번 Some argue [that our children do not need our time/ =some people 주장하다 in terms of __________.] ~ 의 관점에서 It's true in some sense. 어떤 점에서는 (=to some respect) There's no need to give our children even fifteen minutes of our time, (=It’s needless to ~ ) if all they experience (through us) is negativity or a spirit of impatience. 마음 성급함, 초조함 부정성 But most good teaching takes time. 시간이 걸린다 that
Our loving and caring spirit, our understanding and 보살피는 마음 이해심 calmness, and our devotion (to this world) 평온함 헌신 need to seep into a child's mind and soul. ~ 에 스며들다 마음과 영혼 Such sharing rarely comes through a quick torrent of 공유, 나눔 연속, 급류 kisses/ or fleeting kind words. 빨리 지나가는 (flying rapidly) It takes time and patience. 시간과 인내심이 요구된다 Indeed [the very spending of time with our children] is a way/ of our communicating (to them) [that they are valued). 소중히 여겨지다 좀처럼 …. 않다 =hardly =scarcely =barely =seldom
3. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ① quantity 양 (=amount) ② entertainment 오락 ③ accuracy 정확성 ④ independence 독립 ( 성 ) ⑤ discipline 규율, 학문명 √
문제 4 번 We raise our children with ethical time bombs. =rear up( 양육하다 ) 윤리의, 도덕적인 시한폭탄 We allow our children their ideals/ until they are perhaps 13 or 15 or 18 or even 22. 이상 ( 理想 ) But if they don't let go of their ideals after that age, ~ 을 놓아주다 we worry about [whether they will be able to function in the real world.] ~ 인지 아닌지 ( 여부 ) 에 관해서 역할 ( 기능 ) 을 하다 After all, the real world is a different place. 결국 We have to be tough and even a little cynical. 강인한 냉소적인 (from an ideal world)
Adults know [that helping others is neat,/ but it may take away their motivation (to find a job)]. =grown-ups 동기 =excellent Adults know [that peace is good,/ but we can't ever =can never trust our enemies (to stop preparing for war).] 신뢰하다 적 This is the so-called __________ of adults. 所爲, 이른바 We instill ideals in our children, / resent it 주입하다, 각인시키다 분개하다 when our children challenge us for not living up to them, ~ 때문에 ~ 에 맞추어 살다 and then feel reassured/ when our children give up their own ideals. 안도하는 포기하다 (=abandon)
4. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은 ? ① forgetfulness 망각, 건망증 ② carelessness 부주의 ③ privilege 특권 ④ diligence 근면 ⑤ realism 현실주의, 사실성 √