Preservation e-Infrastructure IG Description: help ensure preservation of needed data succeeds Goals: foster worldwide collaboration; ensure consistency with other RDA groups; ensure interoperability of service implementations; build trust of service providers. Outcomes: (next) Who? Repository managers, funders, data generators, e-i/s developers / providers
P.e.I.G. Objectives A collective view on where we are now after all the funding of research into digital preservation: Benefit: clear global view on where we are Specification of e-Infrastructure/CyberInfrastructure needed to help repositories do preservation and what exists already: Benefit: roadmap of what is missing, if anything identification of which existing tools and services can work together – and what changes may be needed to improve this: Benefit: avoids re-inventing things that already exist Requirements on other RDA Working and Interest groups; re-use of their products; spawning of additional working groups as required Specification of key missing components: Benefit: guide for funders Specification of what repositories can use to help improve their preservation capabilities: Benefit: guide for repositories This meeting – create case statements for two+ IGs
Need to interact with Data Foundation and Terminology Legal interoperability Data publishing Data description registry Persistent ID Data Provenance Domain repositories Various domain data groups Various Metadata groups Active Data Management Plans