Succession planning Creating a leadership pipeline
Welcome to New Orleans! Earl Forbes Area director Kiwanis International Kevin McConnell Past governor Illinois-Eastern Iowa
Why are you here? Plan for leadership transitioningRecognize traits of good leadersPrepare future leadersBuild the leadership “pipeline” in your club
Renew leadership at all levelsCreate a leadership “pipeline”Embrace succession planning Successful organizations:
Avoid re-inventing the wheel! Succession planning: – Creates smooth transitions – Saves time – Builds on what worked – Eliminates old habits – Addresses challenges
Leaders aligned to mission Right people in the right jobs Leadership is learned and practiced Successful leaders move up to next level
Skilled listenersProblem solvers Passionate advocates VisionariesChange agentsCommunicators Action oriented
Find Recruit members who are “doers” Define Write job descriptions Explain expectations Train Equip leaders with knowledge Provide resources Mentor Leaders develop other leaders Recognize Show appreciation for what members accomplish
Doers ActiveSuccessful Find leaders
What to look for… Your best people Your best opportunities
Duties Responsibilities Clear, thorough and current Job descriptionsTime commitmentExpectations Define tasks
What to look for… Members willing to make time to be great leaders. A club expectation to be successful.
Train all leaders Standard curriculum Provide resources Train the leaders
What to look for... Leaders attending training sessions Leaders setting goals with plans to succeed Club budgeting for leaders’ expenses
Share the work Support members Show appreciation Leaders focus on volunteer development Year round, standing committee Continual development and “grooming” Nominating committee identifies leaders Mentor current and future leaders
What to look for... Current and past leaders mentoring future leaders Effective nominating committee Multiple candidates for key offices
TimelyReward Value Incentive Recognize accomplishments
What to look for... Leaders having fun Excitement for club success Recognition at every meeting
Pop quiz The main role of a leader is to develop others around them. Leadership is more natural ability than learned skill. The top leaders in an organization are usually recruited from outside of the organization. In a successful organization, everyone does only what the leader tells them to do. Succession planning is only needed at the top of an organization. YES NO
Pop quiz A good leader will create a plan and then find the best people to carry out the plan. A nominating committee needs to be active about two months of the year. Recognizing individual achievement motivates others to take leadership roles. A main role of past leadership is to find, mentor and support new leaders. Someone who declines taking a leadership role rarely changes their mind. YES NO
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Succession planning Creating a leadership pipeline