doc.: IEEE Submission July 2006 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 1 NOTE: Update all red fields replacing with your information; they are required. This is a manual update in appropriate fields. All Blue fields are informational and are to be deleted. Black stays. After updating delete this box/paragraph. Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 Liaison Report Date Submitted: July 21, 2005 Source: Ho-In Jeon, Dept. EE, Kyung-Won University Address: ( ) San-65, Bok-Jung-Dong, Soo-Jung-Gu, Sung-Nam-Shi, Kyung-Gi-Do, Korea Voice: 82 – 19 – , FAX: 82 – 31 – , Re: [] Abstract:Liaison Report of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 Prague Meeting to IEEE Working Group Purpose:For the purpose of informing the body. Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P members to understand the standardization activities of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2006 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 2 ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 Liaison Report July 21, 2006 San Diego, California, U.S.A.
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2006 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 3 Contents Report on Fast Track Ballot Results Ballot Resolution Meeting ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Plenary Meeting –Issues Raised –Resolutions Future Next Meetings
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2006 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 4 Fast Track Ballot Results ISO/IEC DAmd 6 (IEEE i) –19 Yes votes out of 22 P-Members –3 No votes out of 27 P-Members –Approved (66.6 % required) ISO/IEC DAmd 7 (WAPI) –4 Yes votes out of 21 P-Members –17 No votes out of 27 P-Members –Disapproved (66.6 % required)
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2006 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 5 Ballot Resolution Meeting Held in Prague, Czech Republic, at June 7 – 9. Dam6 (802.11i) was ratified by the Prague ballot resolution meeting and subsequently published as an international standard at June 28, China was not able to change any no votes on Dam7 (WAPI) to yes, so Dam7 failed to be adopted as an international standard.
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2006 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 6 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Plenary Meeting Held in Prague, Czech Republic, at June 12 – 16. An Issue raised by China NB –The document 6N11917, Procedures for ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 WG1 and IEEE 802 LMSC Cooperative Working (late published in ISO/IEC TR : 2001), has been published for 5 years, and it needs review, clarification, modification and improvement at this moment because it was found there are many problems in this technical report. Three examples claimed: –Copyright –International or Global Standard –Divergence
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2006 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 7 The Meaning of Divergence During the past two years, there are lots of confusions on questions like: whether NBs can modify the ISO/IEC standards within ISO/IEC and how to resolve the divergence between ISO/IEC and IEEE
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2006 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 8 Resolutions at SC6 Plenary Meeting Resolution 6.1.1: Circulation for Review, Clarification and Comment –SC6 instructs the secretary of SC 6 to circulate 6N13127 and 6N13128 to SC6 NBs, IEEE SA, IEEE 802 LMSC, JTC1, and ITTF for review, clarification, and comments and to instruct the PE of ISO/IEC TR :2001 to circulate the proposed responses report to the comments and a proposed revised text no later than Jan. 1, Resolution 6.1.5: Circulation to NBs for 2 NP Ballot –High Speed PLC –Wireless Sensor Network Resolution 6.1.6: Processing for the CD Ballot –MAC/PHY standard for ad hoc wireless network to guarantee QoS in an industrial work environment
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2006 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 9 Schedule of Future SC6 Meetings 2007: April , Xian, China 2008: TBD, To be co-located with ITU-T SG : TBD, Busan, Republic of Korea
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2006 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 10 Two Motions Adopted by JTC1/SC6 Study Group of WG Motion 1: Recommend to not renew the JTC1/SC6 Study Group –Moved: Clint Chaplin Second: Ho-In Jeon Vote: Motion 2: Recommend to IEEE Working Group Chair that an ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Standing Committee be formed, to address issues arising from the liaison relationship with SC6 pertinent to IEEE , and to dissolve the JTC1 Ad Hoc Committee –Moved: Clint Chaplin Second: Ho-In Jeon Vote: 5-0-0
doc.: IEEE Submission July 2006 Ho-In Jeon, Kyung-Won UniversitySlide 11 Any Questions?