Using NVivo Yuliana Kenfield Tenley Ruth
Overview of this presentation Design Data Collection and Management Data Analysis (Coding, Memoing, Querying) Reporting
RESEARCH QUESTION How do minority bilingual teachers in New Mexico describe their Community Cultural Wealth in relation to their Academic and professional experiences?
Methodology The Case Study approach was used in this study to emphasizes detailed contextual analysis of a limited number of participants and their relationships. Three Participants: Educators in New Mexico who are bilingual First generation college students (Graduate students) Educators who represent minorities (Diné, Tewa, and Mexican- American) Female
Data Collection Semi-Structured interviews Two interviews with each participant (approx. an hour each) Scripts guided by the Community Cultural Wealth model Get feedback from a methodologist
Qualitative software selection At this point, what would guide whether CAQDAS is potentially helpful for answering your research question and which software you select?
Projects in Nvivo Project files saved as.nvp (QSR NVivo Projects) files
Initiating the Project Values Attributes Classification NM Educator EducationM.APh.D.Age Diné Interview1Interview2 Tewa Interview1Interview2Interview3 MexAme Interview1Interview2
Organizing Data by Cases
Gathering Data (demo with Evernote)
IT IS ALL ABOUT DATA NVivo 11 and 10 allow you to open and work with audio files, videos, spreadsheets, database tables, and pictures. It also allows you to import and work with documents in the following formats: Microsoft Word, (.doc and.docx) Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) Rich Text Format (.rtf) Text (.txt) Permanently stored in your Nvivo project several file formats Internal Link to web-based data/sources Link to your computer files External
Data Analysis (Coding, Memoing, Querying)
Data Analysis Methods Theoretical Data analysis
Data Analysis Methods Thematic Data analysis
MOST COMMON SEARCHES Text frequency count (with a built-in and modifiable stop-words list) Word clouds (word size and placement centrality = frequency) Treemap (size = frequency) Coding Query
Nvivo Reports Run reports for data visualization Retrieve memos Run Searches Export code books Export any data you stored in Nvivo
Our Website Walk in Hours: Wednesdays Youtube tutorials (they will be posted at our website) your questions at QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS
Repository? Values Attributes Classification PersonaLenguaSexoFemeninoMasculinoOrganizaciónUNSAACAMAUTAESABAC