1 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). XTCE for EXM Michela Muñoz Fernandez, Dan.


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Presentation transcript:

1 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). XTCE for EXM Michela Muñoz Fernandez, Dan Smith, Kevin Rice, Ron Jones George Rinker, Marti DeMore April 6, 2015 The work described in this presentation was carried out by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

2 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). Use case ESA ExoMars TGO Electra Use XTCE in shadow mode for Electra between JPL and ESA ESA requested Electra CMD and TLM dictionaries in XTCE format Results of the conversion of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) Electra Command and Telemetry Dictionary to the XTCE standard will be shown. We have used our tool to read the telemetry description provided in Word and Excel files and performed conversion into XTCE files. We studied in detailed the heartbeat key telemetry message and performed validation using mission data.

3 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). Electra Spreadsheet -D1553 tab: electra msgs (packets) -HB several words are “counts” -Have polys, etc -Units -Bit size -Data type (integer) -Byte order (bit?) -Several other tabs to get cals: -poly, linear cal, and enums Electra Data Set -Tabular form -Looks like calibrated (post- packet) info -Looks like it has PUS related info based on column names Create One time Conversion Tool Trans Form XTCE File Ammos XTCE Conversion Tool Transform CADU Builder Added “fake” CCSDS Header In House GSFC Conversion Tool ITOS ASIST AMPCS Reverse Eng. CCSDS Packets One time Conv. CADUs Added “fake” CCSDS Header to Match XTCE Reverse Eng. PUS Packets CADU Builder CADUs Inputs Compiles to database Electra files conversion to XTCE

4 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). Test case: TGO Electra heartbeat We have used our tool to read the telemetry description provided in word and excel files and performed conversion into XTCE files for the key telemetry message “Electra heartbeat” 809 packets APID Calibrators/Enumerators

5 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). XTCE TGO Electra sample file Some of the channel (mnemonic) definitions and descriptions are shown below :

6 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). TGO Electra XTCE File Stats (metadata) 392 channels (parameters in XTCE lingo) 16 telemetry packets 50 instrument commands 10 enumerations (channels that map to a label set or list by value) 20 polynomial calibrators

7 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). Summary TGO Electra initiative We can convert the Electra TLM and CMD information into XTCE (portable format) We have converted the Electra HB TLM into MMD files Electra XTCE files and CCSDS frame files available were delivered to ESA (ESOC) to test and compare with AMPCS output

8 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). Progress on TGO Electra initiative Electra TLM PacketsCMD Dictionary and TLM Dictionary XTCE MMD AMPCS RDL ASIST

9 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). AMPCS Preliminary results with the TGO Electra files Processed 809 valid packets

10 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). AMPCS Preliminary results with the TGO Electra files Chill monitor output showing a subset of the Electra channels:

11 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). AMPCS Preliminary results with the TGO Electra files

12 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). Progress on TGO Electra initiative Test at ESOC needs to be performed to complete this task Created TGO Electra ASIST RDL file Able to run Electra data packets into ASIST (See Demo/Next Slide) *RDL=Record Description Language

13 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). ASIST Ingesting TGO Electra Telemetry

14 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). JPL collaboration with ESA Rosetta MIRO Instrument MIRO is the first microwave instrument sent into space to study a solar system body. As a combined spectrometer and radiometer, MIRO can sense temperature and identify chemicals. Rosetta scientists will use it to determine how different materials in the comet change from ice to gas, and to observe how much comet C-G changes in temperature as it approaches the sun.

15 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). Progress on Rosetta MIRO initiative TLM PacketsCMD Dictionary and TLM Dictionary XTCE MMD AMPCS RDL ASIST

16 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). AMPCS Preliminary results with the Rosetta MIRO files

17 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). Progress on collaboration with ESA Agreement between ESA and JPL to have a roadmap for the use of XTCE for other collaborative missions (pre-decisional). ESA’s Conceptual Data Model for the development of the European Ground Systems –Common Core data exchange solution: Includes use of XTCE by 2017

18 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). Future plans Perform a test at ESOC: ingestion of Electra (ExoMars) and MIRO (Rosetta) XTCE files into SCOS2000(S2K) and comparison of channelized data (csv) files on both sides (ESA and JPL) for validation. Review and finalize XTCE roadmap during JPL/ESA TIM in March Investigation of the CCSDS MO Services Standard: investigate to show exchange of MO TLM data.

19 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). Proposal for MAVEN Electra TLM FramesCMD Dictionary and TLM Dictionary XTCE MMD AMPCS RDL ASIST

20 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). CCSDS MO Services A standard service for parameters: Parameters accessed by: Rover on Mars, S/C orbiting Mars, or Centers on Earth A relay satellite can receive the rover’s parameters and forward it to Earth A mission control center can receive and analyze the parameters of the S/C or rover An external institution can receive and analyze the parameters This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data. 20

21 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). Use case with CCSDS MO Services MO Services Parameter VISTA MCWS XTCE Dict. MMD Dict. Parameters This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data. 21 ESA provides to JPL Dict. file Non- standard format XTCE DICT. Conversion to XTCE CCSDS MO Parameter Service TGO ExoMars Electra/Rosetta MIRO parameters Parameters view Dict. view Other MO services that can be used: -Aggregation, check, alerts, statistics, mission data product distribution services

22 This document has been reviewed and determined not to contain export controlled technical data (LRR022953). List of acronyms AcronymDefinition AMMOSAdvanced Multi-Mission Operations System CCSDSConsultative Committee for Space Data Systems DTFDomain Task Force GSFCGoddard Space Flight Center IASInformation Architecture Standards JPLJet Propulsion Laboratory OMGObject Management Group XMLExtensible Markup Language XTCEXML Telemetric and Command Exchange RDLRecord Description Language