Affordability of housing with care Ian Copeman Housing & Support Partnership West Midlands Housing LIN 22 nd April 2013
Why does affordability matter?
Affordability – why it matters to residents (self funders) “It is important that the quality is commensurate with price” “It is an all-inclusive package, so there are no hidden costs” “(Mother) can afford it and, for the peace of mind, it’s well worth the cost” “It is a much better deal than moving into a nursing or residential home” “One of my daughters worked it all out, when I realised how much it cost I said ‘Bloody hell!’ but I came anyway.”
Can I/we afford to move?
Will I/we be able to afford to stay there comfortably?
Moving on...?
How did people fund HWC?
Is HWC value for money?
So is HWC affordable…
The affordability ‘maze’…A guide for Commissioners and Providers
The affordability ‘maze’… The costs and affordability of HWC for self- funders How self-funders understand the affordability of living in HWC The importance of welfare benefits and state help for self-funders Charging in HWC and affordability Equity release and affordability.
The affordability ‘maze’… Exit arrangements from HWC How support is funded Provider and local authority tensions LA modelling of HWC service costs for self- funders The impact of local authority procurement and contracting policies on self-funders Personalisation
Some questions… How can self-funders understand the affordability of living in HWC? How important are welfare benefits and state help for self- funders? Is equity release the solution to affordability? Can HWC residents access equity if they need it to fund on-going costs? Are provider and local authority interests in HWC affordability mutually exclusive? How can older people (or their families) exit from HWC if they need to? Does the way support is funded make any difference to affordability for self-funders?
Contacts Housing & Support Partnership Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Resources Pannell, J., Blood, I. & Copeman, I. (2012) Affordability, Choices and Quality of Life in Housing with Care, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Copeman, I. & Pannell, J. (2012) Can self-funders afford housing with care? A guide for providers and commissioners, Housing LIN Blood, I., Pannell, J. & Copeman, I. (2012) Findings from Housing with Care Research, Practice Examples, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Blood, I., Pannell, J. & Copeman, I. (2012) Whose responsibility? Boundaries of Roles and Responsibilities in Housing with Care, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Aldridge, H., Kenway, P. & Pannell, J. (2012) Who can afford retirement housing? JRF/ New Policy Institute