Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 3371 Source Title Civitatis Orbis Terrarum Source Creator Braun, Georg Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number MAP L85c no.27
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 1808 Source Title [London. The long view] Ad Londinvm epitomen & ocellvm. Source Creator Hollar, Wenceslaus, Source Created or Published 1647 Physical Description detail, including the Globe, Bear Garden, and St. Pauls Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number MAP L85c no.29 part 1
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 1594 Source Title London from Bankside Source Creator Hollar, Wenceslaus, Image Details with the theatres (Globe and Bear Garden) Physical Description detail Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number MAP L85c no.29 pt. 1
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title The Bear Garden, the Globe Theatre, Bankside, Southwark ; Checks for the theatre, Dorset Gardens [graphic] / E.J. Roberts, sculp. Source Creator Roberts, Edward John, , printmaker. Source Created or Published [London : s.n.], Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number ART File L847t1 B1 no.5 (size XS) HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Roberts, Edward John, , printmaker. Title (Hamnet) Checks for the Theatre, Dorset Gardens. Title (Hamnet) The Bear Garden, the Globe Theatre, Bankside, Southwark ; Checks for the theatre, Dorset Gardens [graphic] / E.J. Roberts, sculp. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [London : Publisher (Hamnet) s.n.], Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Physical Description (Hamnet) 1 print : colored engraving ; 5 x 9 in. Subject (Hamnet) Theaters -- England -- London, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Tickets -- 17th century, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Globe Theatre (London, England : ), depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Bear Garden (London, England), depicted. Subject (Hamnet) London (England) -- Buildings, structures, etc., depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Prints -- 19th century. Notes (Hamnet) "Engraved for the Encyclopaedia Londinensis, 1825."--inscribed beneath image. Notes (Hamnet) This record contains unverified data from old cards and may contain incorrect or incomplete text. Please consult Curator for assistance. Notes (Hamnet) Plate I from "Playhouse" entry in Encyclopaedia Londinensis. Call Number (Hamnet) ART File L847t1 B1 no.5 (size XS)
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 3097 Source Title [Proceedings ] An order of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for suppressing of publique play-houses, dancing on the ropes, and bear-baitings. Die Sabbathi, 17 Julii, Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that the Lord Major and Iustices of Peace in the city of London, and the Iustices of Peace in the counties of Middlesex and Surrey, be required to take effectual care, speedily to suppres all publique plays and play-houses, and all dancing on the ropes, and bear-baitings. This order to continue until the first of January next. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. Source Creator England and Wales. Parliament. Source Created or Published 1647 Physical Description recto Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number E1709A HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) England and Wales. Parliament. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Proceedings Title (Hamnet) An order of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for suppressing of publique play-houses, dancing on the ropes, and bear-baitings. Die Sabbathi, 17 Julii, Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that the Lord Major and Iustices of Peace in the city of London, and the Iustices of Peace in the counties of Middlesex and Surrey, be required to take effectual care, speedily to suppres all publique plays and play-houses, and all dancing on the ropes, and bear-baitings. This order to continue until the first of January next. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) London : Publisher (Hamnet) printed for Edward Husband, printer to the honorable House of Commons, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Physical Description (Hamnet) 1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1/2 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Theater -- Censorship -- England -- History -- 17th century -- Early works to Subject (Hamnet) Broadsides -- England -- London -- Early works to Citations (Hamnet) Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), E1709A Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) R Call Number (Hamnet) E1709A
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title [Hunt of a Bear and a Stag, from Hunting Scenes Dedicated to Neri Dragomanno] Source Creator Tempesta, Antonio, , artist Source Created or Published [ca. 1630] Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number ART Vol. d93 no.90
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name 1104 Source Title The historie of foure-footed beastes. Source Creator Topsell, Edward, ? Source Created or Published 1607 Physical Description p. 35: Brown Bear Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number STC copy 2 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD --- Creator (Hamnet) Topsell, Edward, ? Title (Hamnet) The historie of foure-footed beastes. Describing the true and liuely figure of euery beast, with a discourse of their seuerall names, conditions, kindes, vertues (both naturall and medicinall) countries of their breed, their loue and hate to mankinde, and the wonderfull worke of God in their creation, preseruation, and destruction. Necessary for all diuines and students, because the story of euery beast is amplified with narrations out of Scriptures, fathers, phylosophers, physitians, and poets: wherein are declared diuers hyerogliphicks, emblems, epigrams, and other good histories, collected out of all the volumes of Conradus Gesner, and all other writers to this present day. By Edward Topsell. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) London : Publisher (Hamnet) printed by William Iaggard, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) Physical Description (Hamnet) [44], 757, [15] p. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 2 ⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Zoology -- Pre-Linnean works -- Early works to Subject (Hamnet) Made-up copies (Publishing) Associated Name (Hamnet) Huth Library, former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Smedley, William T. (William Thomas), b. 1851, former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Harmsworth, R. Leicester Sir, (Robert Leicester), , former owner. Notes (Hamnet) Copy 2. Washington, D.C., Folger Shakespeare Library, Folger's Choice (catalog entry 11) DFo Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A ⁶ [par.] ⁶ 2[par.] ⁸ *² B-2V ⁶ 3A-3X ⁶ 3Y ⁸. Notes (Hamnet) First word of title is xylographic. Notes (Hamnet) Title page varies: with cut of hyena (used for sea wolf on p. 749) or of gorgon (most copies; not illustrated in the text pp ); examples of both at British Library. B1, 2, 5, 6 in 2 settings; B2r catchword: 'they'; B6r line 1: 'crowne' (Huntington Library) or 'gers' and 'Crowne' (Harvard). In some copies (one of the British Library copies, for example) there is an extra leaf after F4 with heading: 'The Picture of the vulger Bugill Folio 57.' (STC). Notes (Hamnet) The first leaf and the last leaf are blank. Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) HH203/18. Lacking blanks. T.p. with gorgon; B2r catchword 'they'; B6r, line 1 'crowne'. Woodcuts hand-colored throughout. T.p. is backed. Sig.A made up of disjunct leaves. Formerly bd. w. shelf-mark STC Copy 2. Rebound, previously in plain calf. Provenance: Harmsworth copy Call Number (Hamnet) STC Copy 2
Image Field Data Digital Image File Name Source Title Herbarium, continens Theriaca medicamenta quae primum Andromachus, Neronis imperatoris medicus, deinceps Galenus, Dioscorides et alii medici composuerunt. [manuscript]. Source Created or Published [ca. 1680] Physical Description illustration of bear between fol Digital Image Type FSL collection Source Call Number V.a.598 HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Title (Hamnet) Herbarium, continens Theriaca medicamenta quae primum Andromachus, Neronis imperatoris medicus, deinceps Galenus, Dioscorides et alii medici composuerunt. [manuscript]. Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [ca. 1680] Physical Description (Hamnet) 204 leaves Notes (Hamnet) Includes 71 hand-colored printed woodcuts and original watercolor drawings. Notes (Hamnet) From the Mary P. Massey collection. Notes (Hamnet) Text in Latin. Notes (Hamnet) Title taken from booksellers description pasted on recto of first fly leaf. Call Number (Hamnet) V.a.598