The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) Cindy O’Brien, Program Manager
Goals 1.TEFAP flow 2.DHS role 3.Eligible agencies 4.Home Consumption vs Prepared meals 5.Agency responsibilities 2
What is TEFAP? Program provided through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Supplements the diets of eligible recipients by providing foods at no cost. 3
Funds DHS receives food purchasing and administrative funds Funds are based on the number of people unemployed and the number of people below the poverty level. DHS provides administrative funds to food banks. 4
Distribution recipient AgencyDHSUSDA 5
Eligible Recipient Agencies Must: Be public, private (tax exempt), but not penal Distribute food, either as prepared meals or for household consumption exclusively to needy persons. Have a written agreement with local food bank 6
Eligible Agencies Food Banks – Provide donated food to other organizations like food pantries, soup kitchens and hunger relief centers Food Pantries – Distribute food to eligible households for home consumption. Soup Kitchens and Other Feeding Sites – Provide meals to low-income and the homeless on a regular basis. 7
Household Consumption Self-declared eligibility Annually sign TEFAP form (state FY) Document subsequent distribution No formal requirement for this documentation Agency can determine how to capture this information 8
TEFAP form Attest eligibility only once per year Retained for 3 years Additional information not required Example: Proof of address Only requirement to receive USDA foods May not be altered in any way 9
Prepared Meals No income guideline for recipients Agency must demonstrate to food bank and/or state satisfaction serving a “predominantly needy” population. Predominantly = at least 51% Needy = 185% of poverty (same as on TEFAP form 10
Predominantly Needy No one way to demonstrate Recipients may not be asked to provide income information solely for the purpose of this demonstration Example: The socioeconomic data of the area where the agency is located, or from which it draws its recipients 11
“Must Nots” Discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Require recipients to be a member of any organization or participate in any religious services Sell, exchange, use for personal gain or in any fraudulent manner any USDA commodities charge fees, nor ask recipients for donations 12
“Must Nots” continued Distribute USDA foods beyond the BIUB date Redistribute foods to other agencies without approval Dispose of USDA foods without approval Repackage/repurpose USDA foods Provide USDA foods for home consumption to recipients who do not meet TEFAP requirements 13
Must…. Complete annual civil rights training Place “And Justice for All” poster in prominent location Distribute USDA foods to HH in the same amount as recipients who provide agency required information Post hours of operation Allow “proxy” distribution Store foods within required temperature range 14
Question time!! 15