The methods recommended The methods recommended deliver a common, but still flexible basis for the calculation of final energy savings top-down energy efficiency indicators, bottom-up calculation models and a list of recommended average lifetimes the methods presented here are not suitable to check consistency between Member States' national targets and the European Union' overall 20% primary energy savings target as compared to the projections for 2020.
Recommended bottom-up calculation model Guiding principles, A set of formulas, baselines and default values for measuring final energy savings achieved through the implementation of energy efficiency improvement measures or programmes in – residential (households) and – tertiary (public and private organisations in the service sector) buildings, – including equipment and appliances used in buildings
Guiding principles variation in final energy consumption "before" and "after" the implementation of energy efficiency improvement measures or programmes, while ensuring adjustment and normalisation for external conditions commonly affecting energy use. Member States can use national bottom-up methods.
Three categories Energy efficiency improvement measures or programmes implemented in residential and tertiary buildings, including equipment and appliances, fall within one of the following three categories: Replacement of existing energy-using equipment and appliances with new, more energy efficient equipment; Energy efficient retrofitting of existing equipment or buildings without replacement; Acquisition of new energy efficient equipment or appliances, or construction of new energy efficient buildings
Baselines for each of the three categories the appropriate baseline prescribed in Table I.1 should be applied as "before" situation in the bottom-up measurement In the case of new buildings, appliances and equipment, the baseline is always used as "before" situation.
Recommended BU calculation formulas Category 1 Replacement of existing equipment with new, more energy efficient one: Replacement of heating supply equipment in residential and tertiary buildings; Replacement of water heating equipment in residential and tertiary buildings; Replacement of air conditioning split systems (< 12kW) in residential and tertiary buildings; Replacement of household appliances (cold appliances, washing machines, dishwashers, televisions, etc.) in residential buildings; Replacement of office equipment in tertiary buildings; Replacement of lighting in residential buildings (lamp); Replacement of lighting in tertiary buildings (system or component
Recommended BU calculation formulas Category 2 Energy efficient retrofitting of existing equipment or buildings without replacing them: Refurbishment measures in existing residential and tertiary buildings (building envelope and heating system); Insulation refurbishment measures applied to building shell in existing residential and tertiary buildings (walls, roofs, windows); Lighting in tertiary buildings (system or component);
Recommended BU calculation formulas Category 3 Additional new energy efficient equipment or construction of new energy efficient buildings: New building constructed according to or beyond building codes in new residential and tertiary sectors; New household appliances (cold appliances, washing machines, dishwashers, television, etc.) in residential buildings; New office equipment in tertiary buildings; Installation of new air conditioning split systems (< 12kW) in residential and tertiary buildings; New installation of heating supply equipment in residential and tertiary buildings; New installation of water heating equipment in residential and tertiary buildings; Solar water heating in residential and tertiary buildings; New Lighting in residential buildings (lamp); New Lighting in tertiary buildings (system or component)
Refurbishment measures in existing residential and tertiary buildings The annual unitary final energy savings are calculated based on – the difference in the ratio between specific heating demand (SHD)and the energy efficiency of the heating system before the refurbishment measure – And the ratio after the refurbishment measure The savings are expressed in kWh/m2 of floor area per year
Refurbishment measures in existing residential and tertiary buildings
How to use this? Default formulas Later/now also national formulas Default values Additional formulas for Industry Guiding principles and emphasis in Task report Others