Tertiary Industries Serving the People
Defintions basic services non-basic services trade wholesale retail call centre
Development of the Service Sector In 1901, only about 33% of Canadian workers were employed in services. Today it is about 75%. Do you think that number is going up or down?
Why is it increasing? Technology - improved productivity and efficiency in primary industries, resulting in better wages and more free time. Education - more opportunities to obtain specialized skills than ever before. Growing population - increased demand for services. Info Technology - new variety of services
Basic Services provide business and services to people outside the community, thus bring money into the community.
Non-Basic Services provide services for people and business located in the community so no money is generated from outside sources (recycled).
Trade Services Selling of goods is called trade. Wholesale - selling goods to other businesses and stores, not to the public. Retail - selling of goods directly to the public. Sample occupations? Basic or Non-Basic?
Finance, Insurance & Real estate Services provided by banks, trust companies, etc...they can range in size from local offices to head offices. Sample occupations? Basic or Non-Basic?
Business and Personal Services largest % of Canadian employed in the tertiary industries and is the fastest growing supply services needed by business and individual Canadians Sample occupations? Basic or Non-Basic?
Transportation & Communication Services movement of goods, people and information Sample occupations? Basic or Non-Basic?
Government Services Federal: postal service, defense, Native Affairs Provincial: Health care, education Municipal: police, fire, water & sewage, parks and recreation Sample occupations? Basic or Non-Basic?
Health Care and Social Services health care: dental & medical Social services: daycares, shelters for homeless Sample occupations? Basic or Non-Basic?
Education Services all levels of education and training Sample occupations? Basic or Non-Basic?
The Future??????? look at the list of predictions on p. 368 How many came true? Are any of the jobs predicted already obsolete? Do you have any predictions?
What do you want to do for a living? What is your current dream job? Does type of industry does it fall under? Within that industry, what sector is it part of? What type of education do you need to get that job?