Data Analytics – A Cost Effective Approach to Reducing Operating Costs Automatically “find what matters” in the data from building equipment systems and smart devices September 2013
Do we know how our buildings really operate?
The Big Myth “If I have a computer-based building automation system things must be running properly…” Right ????
Who’s watching to make sure? Who verifies that what they are doing is right? That control strategies were well designed? That assumptions were (are) correct? That they are still running as expected… haven’t been interfered with or overridden – a common problem Buildings are too complex for this to be done solely by humans Too much data… systems too complex…
Too Much Data
Analytics is the Key Analytics software automatically looks for “issues” (things that matter) in our data…. Equipment faults, deviations from expected performance, actual results vs goals or benchmarks, etc Unlike energy conservation measures that involve the installation of major capital equipment, analytics works with the data available from existing sources Relatively easy to add to what we have
The Bigger Picture: Analytics is changing our world… It can change our buildings too!
Start By Knowing Where You Are The Role of Analytics in Improving Building Performance In order to identify and prioritize investments in building efficiency measures we have to know where we currently stand Assess performance of buildings and systems Identify issues, faults, deviations, and current status vs Key Performance Metrics (KPIs) Know what’s wrong before spending money to fix things This is what Analytics does for building owners
Take it all in and finds what matters Easy to get started – what data do you have? Production data BAS data Utility data Weather data Facility data
The Result: Know what your systems are really doing Automatically scans your data to find what matters Automatically generates views on issues detected Identify an issue once – SkySpark finds it forever Build up libraries of analytic rules to fit your facility needs Convert your domain knowledge to rules – your value continues to build The “Spark detail” page – shows everything related to the occurrence of an issue
Some Examples of Issues Real Owners Find Simultaneous heating and cooling in a single unit or across groups, short cycling, lack of diversity control Deviation of energy intensity (kw/sq ft/degree day) from benchmarks, baselines, goals along with time, duration and cost Degradation of cooling or heating performance (i.e., unit runs but does not deliver expected cooling/heating) Economizers open while heating and cooling Non-functioning sensors (temp, kw, etc) Lights or other loads operating when they shouldn’t – buildings starting early, running late Setpoints overridden and not changing with schedules What Matters to You?
Results – Show Me the Money !!! Buildings operating when no one is there The Business Issue: Exceptions happen – buildings need to be put into override mode for a variety of reasons – but how long do they stay overridden and how much does it cost? The Solution – Analytic rule tracks the number of hours sites are in override mode. Auto-generated report provides managers with a clear view of the number of hours of override by site and across the portfolio with costs The Result – Actionable information that is being used to drive reductions in energy costs projected at $1.8 million annually across 925 sites through changes to operational practices
Results – Show Me the Money !!! Detecting simultaneous heating and cooling Achieving desired comfort while using the least amount of energy is subject to the complexities of buildings, equipment and locale Watching the operating characteristics of all systems is impossible to do manually Solution: Apply analytics to automatically detect improper operation Example: identification of periods of time when cooling and heating were operating simultaneously Control sequences were changed to correct the issues and a savings of over $325,000 annually was realized across 67 sites
Summary - SkySpark Value Proposition You can’t control what you don’t measure Driving energy efficiency and cost reduction through data is proven Analytics enables you to know how your buildings and systems are actually operating Validate against industry benchmarks and internal goals Savings can be in the range of 5 – 30% with ROI of less than 1 year Easy to get started. What data do you have? Its time to generate value from it!
Find what matters™