Texas’ Findings from the Initial Years and Future Efforts Marc S. Gold Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services Baltimore, MD February 14, 2011 National Grantees Meeting: Money Follows the Person/Aging and Disability Resource Center Track
Texas Money Follows the Person Populations: Nursing Facility and ICF/MR Funding: Fee-for-Service and Managed Care Agencies involved: 4 state agencies and community partners Original benchmarks: 2,999 Current enrollment: 3717 Specialty projects: housing, behavioral health, overnight supports, and closure of nine+ bed ICFs/MR* * Appendices A-D
Strengths of Texas System * Consolidation of Health and Human Services Governor and Legislative Support Strong response to Olmstead Very involved high-level multi- stakeholder advisory committee Regional and local communication MFP leadership is a direct report to Commissioner and is on Executive Team * See Appendix E
Infrastructure Outreach and education activities Relocation contractors* Post-relocation support Dedicated housing vouchers Community Transition Teams Consumer-directed services in place since 2001 Dedicated budgetary funding in appropriations act Transition Assistance Services *See Appendix F
Barriers to Relocation Long-term institutionalization Information/knowledge of options Co-occurring behavioral health issues Lack of a statewide provider base to serve individuals with complex needs Lack of stabilized direct services workforce Lack of rural service providers/transportation
Barriers to Relocation Health and welfare concerns Family/guardian concerns Personal fears Provider liability Loss of community supports Lack of service array flexibility Lack of housing
Barriers to Relocation Coordination of services/SSI address change Criminal History Checks Home Modifications Durable Medical Equipment
Leveraging Dollars MFP Demonstration rebalancing and administrative dollars Community Living Program MDS 3.0 Section Q supportive grants ADRC funding Managed care (STAR+PLUS)
100 Administrative Dollars ADRC – housing navigators ADRC - options counselors/hospital discharge planner support Workforce specialists Outreach to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities Data support specialist Expansion to behavioral health pilot Support to relocation activity Quality management specialist
Rebalancing Fund Supportive funding for voluntary closure of ICFs/MR Supportive employment training Realistic job previews Supports for vocational rehabilitation Behavioral health training for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Future Initiatives Fund additional ADRCs from rebalancing fund Increased housing support Support for vocational employment
Contact Information Marc S. Gold Special Advisor for Policy and Promoting Independence dex.html
Appendix A Behavioral Health Pilot
MFP Behavioral Health Pilot Bexar County (2010 expansion in progress) Goals: Transition adults with mental health and/or substance use disorders from NFs to the community and help them be successful Improve services and supports in the long- term care system for people with mental health and substance use disorders
A True Collaboration DADS (long term care) operates the overall MFP Project and provides relocation assistance. DSHS (state mental health and substance abuse) operates the MFP BH Pilot. The Local Mental Health Authority provides the BH Pilot services. HHSC (State Medicaid) provides community- based long term services and supports through HMOs. UT Health Science Center in San Antonio provides technical assistance, training and evaluation.
Behavioral Health Pilot Services Substance abuse / dependence treatment services (individual and group) Cognitive Adaptation Training (CAT) Pilot services are closely coordinated with acute and long term services Pilot services are available six months prior to discharge from the NF and up to 365 days after discharge
Substance Abuse / Dependence Individual and group counseling, including specialized groups Peer Support Linkage to community resources
Cognitive Adaptation Training Evidence-based service, recovery-oriented Provides assistance and simple environmental modifications to help people establish daily routines, organize their environment and function independently Uses motivational interviewing to facilitate the person’s initiative and independence Coordinated with HCBS services
Appendix B Voluntary Closure: ICF/MR
Voluntary Closure of Large ICF/MR Voluntary process Use “enhanced funding” to provide incentive Provider submits plan with state approval 10 large ICFs/MR have/are closing Taking off more than 800 beds/500 individuals having choice (89% choose waiver)
Appendix C Health and Welfare
Individual Responsibility Agreement Overnight Companion Services Working with provider base to serve individuals with complex needs
Appendix D Housing
State Housing Agency (TDHCA) Public Housing Authorities Disability Advisory Workgroup Housing and Health Services Coordinating Council Transition Assistance Services/ Transition to Life in the Community
Texas Dept. of Housing and Community Affairs Grants to local agencies Tennant Based Rental Assistance – 24 months (30% of income for rent). Amy Young Barrier Removal Program – $15,000 w/Additional $5,000 Project Access Vouchers Only available for NF and ICF/MR relocations From 65 to 100 on January 1, 2011 80 for non-elderly disabled (<62) 20 for 65+ Registry Concerted outreach effort to 475 PHAs
Appendix E Interagency Collaboration
Promoting Independence Advisory Committee (1999) 2004: Health and Human Services Consolidation Community Transition Teams Housing and Health Services Coordinating Council (2009) Several interagency councils on children Interagency council on behavioral health transformation (2007)
Appendix F Relocation Contractors
Nine catchment areas: Centers for Independent Living Area Agency on Aging Case Management activities: Pre-relocation services Outreach/Education Facilitation/Coordination Housing Navigation and Supports Coordination with local organizations Post-relocation services Coordination with managed care