Groundwater at IW Science Conference, Bangkok, 2012 Panellist Input Eberhard Braune UNESCO Chair in Groundwater, University of the Western Cape
Groundwater Transformation in South Africa Non - water resource factors are often the critical ones that bring major groundwater change; The 1994 political transformation in South Africa also brought a ‘revolution’ in the water sector and in groundwater use; Minister Kader Asmal soon called surface water the masculine resource – of dams, pipelines, concrete and engineers, whereas groundwater for him was the feminine resource, laboured for by the most vulnerable of society, the women and children of Africa (those highlighted in the Dublin IWRM principles). From this vision, groundwater changed from a source, largely for small towns and for mining and commercial agriculture in the arid parts of the country, to a strategic resource covering 60-90% of community water supply across the whole country.
Reflection on this Groundwater Transformation Groundwater governance is human rights-based and must involve interaction between the formal institutions of government and those of civil society (establishing the National Water Policy was the most participative process ever experienced in S.A. and groundwater benefited greatly); Groundwater not only as just another water source, but has a unique role towards meeting national development objectives, eg pro-poor economic growth, Millennium Development Goals, rural development, and climate change adaptation. The need for a very high degree of participative management flows directly out of above, but is still very poorly institutionalized; We are also still lacking the appropriate policy, proper macro- planning and facilitation processes at national level to deal with achieving sustainability in the case of very widely distributed resource use and conservation.
Coming Challenge for Groundwater To take groundwater from a provider of just basic domestic water needs to a source for addressing community livelihoods, ie. increasing food security, rural employment and the productivity of small farmers and other rural workers. The required water volumes are available, even in the basement rock aquifers of Africa, but the imperative of national facilitation of effective local development and management will require completely new ways of water sector collaboration (water, agriculture, economic development, local government etc).
Fresh Hope at Continental Level There has been groundwater policy and action at highest continental level ( African Ministers Council on Water - AMCOW); Umbrella policy with regard to financing and institutionalizing groundwater resources management; Establishment of the Africa Groundwater Commission (not yet functional); Recent interest in transboundary aquifer management, as part of river basin management, - a first logical outflow of this policy
Improving Science/Policy Interface The increased AMCOW groundwater understanding and policy- action was only possible through regional scientific cooperation ( 11 African cities groundwater project) and ongoing advocacy, made possible by joint UNEP/UNESCO support and networking; New opportunity to institutionalize such processes through the establishment of the NEPAD Southern Africa Water Centre of Excellence (such centres to be established in all Africa sub-regions); The NEPAD vision is for integrated science to lead integrated development.