What is development? It involves economic growth, modernisation and general improvement in the socio-economic levels of people. In terms of economic security, access to health services, education, employment opportunities, democracy, death rate, birth rate etc. Ms Bentil 2
Information is a very crucial factor in development. Information is needed for development at all levels Ms Bentil 3
Information is needed for development at: a) The Individual level Every individual needs information. Eg. Students, farmers, lawyers, police, politicians, etc need information to execute their functions. Ms Bentil 4
b) Organisational level For policy and decision making, competitive advantage, productivity and efficiency. Ms Bentil5
c) National level : the different arms of government (the judiciary, the executive and the legislative) need information to execute national programmes. Ms Bentil 6
It can therefore be seen that the need for information cuts across all sections of the society. Information may come in the form of books, newspapers, journals, through a conversation, formal education etc. Ms Bentil7
Problems with information for development in Africa 1. Lack of appreciation of the role of information in development Information is not valued in African countries. As a result, the information sector is neglected. Ms Bentil 8
2. Inadequate financial resources allocated to the Information Sector Insufficient funds are allocated to the information sector in Africa. In the developed countries much of their financial resources are channelled into the information sector or the knowledge industry. Ms Bentil 9
3. Poor facilities for information provision Our information centres are not well- stocked with documentary materials. Radios and televisions are also limited in the sense that they produce few shows of their own and fill air times with cheap foreign imports. Ms Bentil 10
4. Low level of education in Africa As a result of this, the role or importance of information for development is not highly recognised. Illiterates cannot read documented information. However, translation and repackaging services are available. Ms Bentil 11
5. Lack of skills in the use of information One has to be an information literate to be able to use information effectively. Information literacy is the ability to identify, locate, access, assess or evaluate and use information. Even when ICT is provided, people are unable to use it. Ms Bentil 12
The negative attitudes of some governments in Africa African governments do not make information available to information agencies or the general public. This does not encourage participative governance or democracy. Ms Bentil 13
Solutions a) The acceptance of information as an important national resource. Political decision makers should appreciate the role of information in development and provide for it. Ms Bentil 14
b) Allocation of adequate financial resources to the information sector By so doing, information provision agencies would be able to acquire all the necessary information that would be required by society. Ms Bentil15
c) Equipping information centres and agencies With modern facilities and resources, media houses, libraries and archives can perform their roles effectively and efficiently. Ms Bentil 16
d) An improvement in the educational level More people should be encouraged to have formal education through programmes such as: FCUBE Free SHS, Scholarships Adult Education. Ms Bentil 17
e) Provision of training facilities For information personnel to improve upon and update their knowledge in information provision. Training facilities should also be provided in schools, universities and at work places. Ms Bentil18
f) African governments should not place restrictions on access to some kinds of information that would benefit the citizens of a country. In conclusion, African governments should take the necessary steps to ensure that relevant information is made available for maximum development. Ms Bentil 19